I'm from HR

It is HR in name only at Lilly. Lilly HR is the most fucked up bunch of morons ever. I worked there 28yrs took the package and ran have no regrets whatsoever, there is a much better life outside of Lilly. There is no HR in HR there it is just some software called Peoplesoft. Lilly used to be able to make money in spite of themselves when that ended the dysfunctional management stayed dysfunctional and the company went to shit. It is so fucked up now it can't survive. What other company would have 4000 managers with 2000 of them managing absolutely nothing, just managers in name only... wtf! Why would you hire a consulting firm to figure out what is the problem with the company and then when they tell you cut back 40% on management you say no it is working for us we won't do that. Lets give the CEO a big raise even though the company is going to hell. I kick my own ass everyday for staying as long as I did.

Looks like HR has one less moron to mess things up. The new Lilly will be much better without you. Hope you enjoy that nursing home.


Capisce (pronounced ceh-Capisce 362 up, 20 down

Capisce (pronounced cah-PEESH) is an Italian word that is used in American slang to say "got it" or "understand." The correct word in Italian would be capisci (pronounced cah-PEE-shee) to address the second person informally, a.k.a. you. Capisce, in Italian, is used only to address the second person formally (like when speaking to an elder or someone you don't know) or to express that a third person (he, she, it) understands. The correct Italian pronunciation of capisce is cah-PEE-shay.

To say I understand is capisco (cah-PEE-sko).PEESH) is an Italian word that is used in American slang to say "got it" or "understand." The correct word in Italian would be capisci (pronounced cah-PEE-shee) to address the second person informally, a.k.a. you. Capisce, in Italian, is used only to address the second person formally (like when speaking to an elder or someone you don't know) or to express that a third person (he, she, it) understands. The correct Italian pronunciation of capisce is cah-PEE-shay.

To say I understand is capisco (cah-PEE-sko).

Lets see....... JR leaves the company and KT gets promoted..... what would have happened to white people in the same situation? What a joke!!

Oh- now this sounds like a good story! Wish I knew the initials, but I don't.

Let me guess though- JR is a woman who was sleeping a guy named KT. They got caught, JR got ran out, and KT got the Lilly "high-five promotion" for achievement in "hitting that?"

I'll be your lover, your brother, your sister, your mother, even your father, as long as you resign without any severance. I'm a little girl when we make love together....

A very good question! Maybe we could buy a company that makes psychosis-inducing drugs, and market their products as Longevity Enhancement products. Kind of like our erectile enhancement product.

Tell me you don't get a rise out of the idea!

You are so right, and we are sorry that we overlooked this important segmentation.

From now on, we will manage people as "crops", not "resources".

So our department name will be changed to "Human Crop Management"

What you say may be true in China, sorry if you are there. We in the US are still free, no matter what unjust laws are passed.