Ilumya is dead

When will Ilumya sales team layoffs happen?

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It should have been downsized in 2022. Please start with those “sales support” people. It’s been one big FRM party here since day one. 10% are good and work while the remaining sit at home and fuck off while using their fancy SUV to cart the kiddos around all day. The embarrassment is from the top down and like most ships going under Sun will have leadership packing big parachutes all the while those that brought in the money get shoved aside with two weeks parting pay.
I have never hated a job or a company as much as I hate it here. The numbers are continually massaged to insure management’s agenda is completed. COE is a beauty contest. If you are well liked you just may get all of your sales credit plus some from others. My numbers never added up here. My competitive numbers are so far off from that of what my friends at Competitors show that it is as if somebody at Sun sat around fabricating them for Symphony.
The goal setting is the WORST in the industry. What kind of company gives the top people lower goals then they are currently selling? I can see flat goals for high volume territories but a goal 100 units below current sales? Total BS. Just hand them the fucking COE plaque now. Or how about the remedial seg 9 people? Don’t sell shit and Sun will lower your goal? Absolutely moronic.
So here is a news flash for every RSM, RBD, ASD etc. nobody is working anymore. Are you getting tired of being taken to the same 10 doc on field rides? I’m getting tired of seeing them two weeks before the field rides to pretend I know them when you come out with me. I couldn’t care less if you downsize me. I already downsized you. And btw thanks for keeping my checks coming. I already quit!

It should have been downsized in 2022. Please start with those “sales support” people. It’s been one big FRM party here since day one. 10% are good and work while the remaining sit at home and fuck off while using their fancy SUV to cart the kiddos around all day. The embarrassment is from the top down and like most ships going under Sun will have leadership packing big parachutes all the while those that brought in the money get shoved aside with two weeks parting pay.
I have never hated a job or a company as much as I hate it here. The numbers are continually massaged to insure management’s agenda is completed. COE is a beauty contest. If you are well liked you just may get all of your sales credit plus some from others. My numbers never added up here. My competitive numbers are so far off from that of what my friends at Competitors show that it is as if somebody at Sun sat around fabricating them for Symphony.
The goal setting is the WORST in the industry. What kind of company gives the top people lower goals then they are currently selling? I can see flat goals for high volume territories but a goal 100 units below current sales? Total BS. Just hand them the fucking COE plaque now. Or how about the remedial seg 9 people? Don’t sell shit and Sun will lower your goal? Absolutely moronic.
So here is a news flash for every RSM, RBD, ASD etc. nobody is working anymore. Are you getting tired of being taken to the same 10 doc on field rides? I’m getting tired of seeing them two weeks before the field rides to pretend I know them when you come out with me. I couldn’t care less if you downsize me. I already downsized you. And btw thanks for keeping my checks coming. I already quit!

Hate is a really strong term, but it is often associated with Sun.
I’ve never seen a company where both current and former employees have the deep-rooted disdain for the company as well as for specific leaders.
I know American-Indians who say ‘I swear I’ll never work for another Indian company’. There’s such a deep cultural and ethical gap vs US companies which nearly all of us have worked for.

The Mumbai people have no choice but to eat the pebbles out of Sun leadership’s dukies. I’m fairly certain DS is the kind of cat that would diddle their version of boy scouts. 8>\

The Mumbai people have no choice but to eat the pebbles out of Sun leadership’s dukies. I’m fairly certain DS is the kind of cat that would diddle their version of boy scouts. 8>\
Not really sure what the post means but I’ll say having been to the HQ of the Mumbai mafia, the reverence paid to executives is off the rails.
99% of employees are cowering, subservient characters who practically beg and fear for the jobs.
The polarization of wealth is beyond belief. Tents of homelessness right in front of the HG building.

Not really sure what the post means but I’ll say having been to the HQ of the Mumbai mafia, the reverence paid to executives is off the rails.
99% of employees are cowering, subservient characters who practically beg and fear for the jobs.
The polarization of wealth is beyond belief. Tents of homelessness right in front of the HG building.

kool. The head Indians have canceled Christmas as a pagan holiday. You expected the week off? You can come in the office easily as there is no traffic.

Hate is a really strong term, but it is often associated with Sun.
I’ve never seen a company where both current and former employees have the deep-rooted disdain for the company as well as for specific leaders.
I know American-Indians who say ‘I swear I’ll never work for another Indian company’. There’s such a deep cultural and ethical gap vs US companies which nearly all of us have worked for.

Completely on target. I’ve never seen any company until working for Sun hold so little regard for what they should recognize as their most valuable asset, their employees. American top companies understand that those with the best workforce teams quite simply win the most and compete far better than those who treat their employees like cheap furniture. DSS and his stooges believe that their products are their most valued assets, which is completely laughable (unless you work for Sun).

I left this dumpster fire some time ago, never a moment of regret since…

Elvis, has left the building.

So here is a news flash for every RSM, RBD, ASD etc. nobody is working anymore. Are you getting tired of being taken to the same 10 doc on field rides? I’m getting tired of seeing them two weeks before the field rides to pretend I know them when you come out with me. I couldn’t care less if you downsize me. I already downsized you. And btw thanks for keeping my checks coming. I already quit!

Majority of Ilumya RSM’s are also not working.
Some only go out in the field with their people one or two times in a year.

I believe someone should let your managers know that at conferences your female reps are soliciting Docs for more than your drugs. It was the topic at the bar later one night. One Doc said “who dresses these women, Hookers?” . I’m surprised that this is being allowed since you are an Indian owned company.
Well, that’d be at the direction of our slimy ceo, AG. He’s a gawker.
What kind of guy leaves his wife in another country for 5 years ?

I love sun. Where else can I feed my family all month on bullshit lunches. Now I just need to turn the excess food into cash. Any ideas let me know.
LMAO. I used to spend crazy on lunches making sure I ordered extra to take home. Would splurge on buying snacks and make sure I’d have my share.
Use your personal credit card to expense lunches. Go to a merchant that does not accept AMEX.
Have a number of your offices fill in sign in sheets without putting on dates. Color copy them to use on a future lunch.
Order from the merchant then cancel. Expense it include a copy of sign in sheet and date it. Now you have cash. Do this every other week. It worked for me. Never got caught.

LMAO. I used to spend crazy on lunches making sure I ordered extra to take home. Would splurge on buying snacks and make sure I’d have my share.
Use your personal credit card to expense lunches. Go to a merchant that does not accept AMEX.
Have a number of your offices fill in sign in sheets without putting on dates. Color copy them to use on a future lunch.
Order from the merchant then cancel. Expense it include a copy of sign in sheet and date it. Now you have cash. Do this every other week. It worked for me. Never got caught.
You’re such a shady-sketchy perfect fit to work at Sun.
One question: are you the CEO or the CFO ?
The type of scheming you describe is exactly what Sun looks for, someone who’s talented at ripping off the system or who can just flat out steal without getting caught.

Your future at Sun is bright.

You’re such a shady-sketchy perfect fit to work at Sun.
One question: are you the CEO or the CFO ?
The type of scheming you describe is exactly what Sun looks for, someone who’s talented at ripping off the system or who can just flat out steal without getting caught.

Your future at Sun is bright.
No I’m not the CEO or CFO just an OPH OAM who works 10 AM to 2 PM max. Still makes bonus and also President’s Club. The only time I work full days is when my
RSM rides along with me, which is seldom.
Nice to work for a company with no accountability. Btw I maximize lunch budgets to the last cent per person. Love spending $40.00 for snacks and lunch per person.

No I’m not the CEO or CFO just an OPH OAM who works 10 AM to 2 PM max. Still makes bonus and also President’s Club. The only time I work full days is when my
RSM rides along with me, which is seldom.
Nice to work for a company with no accountability. Btw I maximize lunch budgets to the last cent per person. Love spending $40.00 for snacks and lunch per person.

The Concur team now knows who you are after reviewing serveral sign in sheets that are exactly the same except for the dates.

Your manager will be contacting you shortly.

No I’m not the CEO or CFO just an OPH OAM who works 10 AM to 2 PM max. Still makes bonus and also President’s Club. The only time I work full days is when my
RSM rides along with me, which is seldom.
Nice to work for a company with no accountability. Btw I maximize lunch budgets to the last cent per person. Love spending $40.00 for snacks and lunch per person.

Great story, thanks for sharing. BTW, I am not trying to be the ethics police, I really don't care. But I have one question for you though;

Aren't you even a bit embarrassed stealing food from SUN? I get that they treat you like shit, all these companies are the same. But at this time in our lives, I would feel worse about myself if I were continually scamming the company for free food. Like, you can't afford to feed you family from your own pocket? Maybe just up and leave?

Great story, thanks for sharing. BTW, I am not trying to be the ethics police, I really don't care. But I have one question for you though;

Aren't you even a bit embarrassed stealing food from SUN? I get that they treat you like shit, all these companies are the same. But at this time in our lives, I would feel worse about myself if I were continually scamming the company for free food. Like, you can't afford to feed you family from your own pocket? Maybe just up and leave?
No I’m not. It’s called pay back. The company cheats me out of my commissions then I will try and take back what is owed. LMAO. This company has no ethics and deserves it. You reap what you sow!

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