ilumya hub update


Unless I missed something we were treated to fly-by training for the new hub. The FRMs were sent to PA for a kiss ass session? Mark this date as when the death of Sun ilumya became a certainty.
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Unless I missed something we were treated to fly-by training for the new hub. The FRMs were sent to PA for a kiss ass session? Mark this date as when the death of Sun ilumya became a certainty.
C’mon man!
Abhay and Kyle should have been fired long ago for this whole mess. Illegal activity permeates this place, but they’re around bc they’ve got dirt on Dilip.
Anyone in pharma knows that in any other company they’d have been long fired.
No other way to explain it.
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I agree that the new support hub is already DOA. Why or how this was hijacked back to the FRMs was simply bizarre. If they fought for patients the way the fight for right to kill sales off ILUMYA would have been a success. I know 99% of us after the training yesterday are actively looking for new gigs . Why make the switch and have same idiots implement it? Only Sun could have screwed this up!
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I agree that the new support hub is already DOA. Why or how this was hijacked back to the FRMs was simply bizarre. If they fought for patients the way the fight for right to kill sales off ILUMYA would have been a success. I know 99% of us after the training yesterday are actively looking for new gigs . Why make the switch and have same idiots implement it? Only Sun could have screwed this up!
We’ll done SVP Kyle
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I agree that the new support hub is already DOA. Why or how this was hijacked back to the FRMs was simply bizarre. If they fought for patients the way the fight for right to kill sales off ILUMYA would have been a success. I know 99% of us after the training yesterday are actively looking for new gigs . Why make the switch and have same idiots implement it? Only Sun could have screwed this up!

I agree that the new support hub is already DOA. Why or how this was hijacked back to the FRMs was simply bizarre. If they fought for patients the way the fight for right to kill sales off ILUMYA would have been a success. I know 99% of us after the training yesterday are actively looking for new gigs . Why make the switch and have same idiots implement it? Only Sun could have screwed this up!

Ilumya was never going to be a success.
It’s a throwaway me too product that no one else wanted.
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It is “shiny new object” if you are going to quote people at least get it right……

but it got your attention, internally created a feeling of superiority and triggered an action by replying. Try taking that superiority, applying it to your sales “skills” and doing the same in your offices to sell something instead of whining on here all day.


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