Illustrates the Stupidity of Marijuana Legalization

You obviously missed the real financial comparison. As you imply, the taxes from alcohol do not cover the costs of alcohol to society. But that is not the correct comparison.

The correct comparison is whether the costs of alcohol are greater under this regime, or under alcohol prohibition. We proved conclusively that alcohol prohibition only makes all the problems worse, and then there aren't any tax revenues to offset the costs.

Alcohol is not legal because the taxes cover the costs. Alcohol is legal for one reason and one reason only. Alcohol is legal only because prohibition is an unmitigated disaster that only makes all the problems worse.

Great series of well thought out posts. The attempted enforcement of antiquated marijuana laws have proven to be unrealistic and unwanted. The correction is underway and unstoppable.

BTW, did you know that none of the currently illegal drugs were considered a major problem until 1915? They were completely legal. There were no drug laws at all.

Lots of over-the-counter medicines were fifty percent morphine. Cocaine was included in everything from toothache drops to soda pop to tobacco cheroots (tobacco and crack together). Heroin was included in some baby colic remedies.

There were no age limits, so kids could buy the stuff. In fact, some of it was recommended for kids. There were no labeling laws so people didn't even know what they were taking. There were no advertising laws so the sellers advertised that their concoction would cure any problem had by you or your mule. Even the Pope was in ads telling people to drink cocaine wine for the wonderful health benefits.

Even under those conditions, these drugs were not considered to be a major problem. There was no drug-related crime. There were no drug gangs. Addiction rates weren't any different than they are today, but addicts were not criminals and did not commit crimes and go to jail because of their addiction. In fact, the "father of modern surgery" was a morphine addict for forty years while he invented most of the basic techniques of modern surgery.

These drugs didn't become a problem in 1915. By the end of 1915 there were major problems with drug-related crime, addicts were going to jail, and medical societies across the nation were saying that we had a new medical, moral, social, and criminal disaster on our hands. It was all because of what happened in 1914.

Can you guess what happened that caused all this? If you had bothered to read any of the references, you might have some clue.

"These drugs didn't become a problem in 1915."

Correction. That should read: These drugs didn't become a problem until 1915.

All you have proven is that you agree with a Governor's opinion as laid out in the OP. You are entitled to you opinion on this issue - It is just a FACT that your views on the legalization of marijuana are in an ever growing minority.

The title of this thread comes up a word short - It should read:

Illustrates the Stupidity of Marijuana Legalization Opposition

Gee, who to believe, history or 500 economists' projection? I'm sure
I couldn't find economists who would take a different view than your vaunted 500!

Gee, who to believe, history or 500 economists' projection? I'm sure
I couldn't find economists who would take a different view than your vaunted 500!

If you can find anything close to 500 of them I know a number of prohibitionist organizations that want to hear from you right away.

Here is another question. Can you name any significant study of the drug laws in the last 100 years anywhere in the world that agreed with marijuana prohibition?

If you can do that, you will be the first person to do so, and lots of prohibitionist organizations will want to throw you a party.

Just FYI, I won't hold my breath while I wait for you to do either one. Might not be safe.

Rehab for pot exists because they have seen serious psychological "addiction" to pot. This kind of problem responds best to therapy and counseling. This is different to detox and rehab for various other chemicals the body becomes physically addicted to such as alcohol, opiates, etc.

Bill Murray on whether marijuana should be legalized:

“Well that's a large question, isn't it? Because you're talking about recreation, which everyone is in favor of. You are also talking about something that has been illegal for so many years, and marijuana is responsible for such a large part of the prison population, for the crime of self-medication. And it takes millions and billions of dollars by incarcerating people for this crime against oneself as best can be determined. People are realizing that the war on drugs is a failure, that the amount of money spent, you could have bought all the drugs with that much money rather than create this army of people and incarcerated people. I think the terror of marijuana was probably overstated.”

Bill Murray on whether marijuana should be legalized:

“Well that's a large question, isn't it? Because you're talking about recreation, which everyone is in favor of. You are also talking about something that has been illegal for so many years, and marijuana is responsible for such a large part of the prison population, for the crime of self-medication. And it takes millions and billions of dollars by incarcerating people for this crime against oneself as best can be determined. People are realizing that the war on drugs is a failure, that the amount of money spent, you could have bought all the drugs with that much money rather than create this army of people and incarcerated people. I think the terror of marijuana was probably overstated.”

I am so glad that he spent the entire answer, talking about the abject FAILURE, that is the "War on Drugs." The only reason that it still exists, is because of the economy that has sprung up, because of it. It's the "Anti-Drug Industrial Complex" if you will.