If your happy and you know it...

The Managers in Finance are the “best”. They fool around, talk, play with phones, text all day, but that’s ok...their employees who do all the work take the bullet for them and accept going on the PIP. Do FF, MS, SV, KS, LP, have a clue? They would never survive if Uncle Bill retired. The new CFO has to slice these lazy slugs.

They are all interviewing, but can’t seem to get a new job. I wonder why.

HR is doing a good job. It's not their fault that people are leaving. But they try hard to make employee's live better.
Oh, yeah. They surely do... Except that they do nothing when it comes to employees' complaints or other feedback on work environment. What happened to all those results of exit interviews? Did anyone act upon that info to change things?
Or, have you ever tried to complain on your boss? In the best case, guess where they take your complaint?- To your boss! That's why nothing changes and people keep leaving.

The Managers in Finance are the “best”. They fool around, talk, play with phones, text all day, but that’s ok...their employees who do all the work take the bullet for them and accept going on the PIP. Do FF, MS, SV, KS, LP, have a clue? They would never survive if Uncle Bill retired. The new CFO has to slice these lazy slugs.

Our new CFO will assess all employees and do the needful. UB is fully aware of where the problems lie.

They are all interviewing, but can’t seem to get a new job. I wonder why.

Why would they want to leave? They do no work to justify their 6 digit salaries. I must say they are great at delegating stuff they don’t want to work on to their staffs, and take full credit when the projects are completed. If there are errors they do not accept, they immediately PIP their staff.

Or, have you ever tried to complain on your boss? In the best case, guess where they take your complaint?- To your boss! That's why nothing changes and people keep leaving.
Stop spreading the wrong information and mislead people! Nothing goes to your boss (anymore). All complains go right to my garbage can. No more negativity at Taro !
Suzi Floods

This place is hopeless. The sooner I leave the better.
Once you leave, you will find out how bad the Taro environment really was.
Believe it or not, when you work hard at a "normal" company, you get praised and rewarded. At a great company, you may even get promoted.

At Taro, when you work hard, the manager gives you more work to do because you are expected to do more so they can do less. If you cannot do the work, you are put on probation. Ridiculous.

Taro is a solid company with bad managers. It will take a couple of years to undo all these problems, but it can be done.

MS posts on Taro almost daily for years. Its another of her methods of manipulations and of framing other employees . If HR would take time to read exit interviews and do something about her behavior, some of the office bullying would stop. She's Queen Bully. She's the secret backbone of the fratpack. She's posting comments as if she's someone else to get others involved in the BS. TESTED AND PROVEN. I know that you're reading this MS, can you stop? Grow up.

MS posts on Taro almost daily for years. Its another of her methods of manipulations and of framing other employees . If HR would take time to read exit interviews and do something about her behavior, some of the office bullying would stop. She's Queen Bully. She's the secret backbone of the fratpack. She's posting comments as if she's someone else to get others involved in the BS. TESTED AND PROVEN. I know that you're reading this MS, can you stop? Grow up.
I believe it. She's sneaky and has been posting on this board for years, so is her little Fratpack team of followers.