If you were the CEO...

I became a vegetarian out of compassion for animals and to live as healthy as possible. I realized soon after that I was truly concerned with nonviolent consumption and my own health, a vegan diet is the best decision. Live healthy!!

I became a vegetarian out of compassion for animals and to live as healthy as possible. I realized soon after that I was truly concerned with nonviolent consumption and my own health, a vegan diet is the best decision. Live healthy!!

I also became vegan because I saw footage of what really goes on in the slaughterhouses and on the dairy farms. Shire should adopt a vegan-only menu at NSMs!

Empathy my ass. Just another excuse for pity. Too many lazy, worthless people in this world.
Survival of the fittest should be the rule of the land. Can't cope with life, tough, don't want to work, starve, produce or parish. The only good animals are edible ones.
Did I offend you for some reason..tough, get over it. We're you abused as a kid...quit crying, get over it or shoot your parents. It's wacko pussies like you that are putting mankind in the toilet. Grow up. Smarten up. Get your head out of your ass and embrace reality.

Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing in your life is going to get better. It’s not.

Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing in your life is going to get better. It’s not.

My life is great. I take responsibility for myself. I don't blame someone or something else for my problems. I don't expect someone to support me because I don't want to work. I don't look to the govt to provide for me. If a problem arises I deal with it. Crying about every little bad thing that happens isn't going to solve it.
Shit happens...deal with it!

My life is great. I take responsibility for myself. I don't blame someone or something else for my problems. I don't expect someone to support me because I don't want to work. I don't look to the govt to provide for me. If a problem arises I deal with it. Crying about every little bad thing that happens isn't going to solve it.
Shit happens...deal with it!

If we're destroying our trees and destroying our environment and hurting animals and hurting one another and all that stuff, there's got to be a very powerful energy to fight that. I think we need more love in the world. We need more kindness, more compassion, more joy, more laughter. I definitely want to contribute to that.

If we're destroying our trees and destroying our environment and hurting animals and hurting one another and all that stuff, there's got to be a very powerful energy to fight that. I think we need more love in the world. We need more kindness, more compassion, more joy, more laughter. I definitely want to contribute to that.

How about those who hurt other colleagues and their careers just like PS and KK do on a routine basis and at multiple companies? You can contribute to the cause to eliminate these "leadership imposters"

So what you prefer is what we all should prefer? Spoken like a true liberal. What's good for one is not good for all. A Vegan diet lacks nutrients and substances necessary for proper brain function. Obviously it's affecting yours.

Interesting that you've brought up brain function. It's amazing what you've inferred from my post. I could give a rat's ass what anyone eats, especially on a message board labeled "If you were CEO..."
So while were at it, what's up with KK?

Interesting that you've brought up brain function. It's amazing what you've inferred from my post. I could give a rat's ass what anyone eats, especially on a message board labeled "If you were CEO..."
So while were at it, what's up with KK?
What's up?

Well, she doesn't sleep, eat, watch tv, hang out with friends or manage to do anything other than work. Which consists of tracking every little detail that has zero impact on anything. She's too stupid to get out of her own way and just let people sell. Furthermore she has never once asked for or received any feedback on her impact. A true robot that PS winds up at every company he drags her tired ass to.

That's what's up?

Interesting that you've brought up brain function. It's amazing what you've inferred from my post. I could give a rat's ass what anyone eats, especially on a message board labeled "If you were CEO..."
So while were at it, what's up with KK?

If I were CEO, I'd dump this company and all all it's losers, collect my ridiculous golden parachute, and buy an island as far away from civilization as possible. KK isn't worth wading time on. Who gives a rats ass about her? About any management people in this sorry excuse for a company.
So go sit on a carrot, eat that kale, it's good for you.

If I were CEO, I'd dump this company and all all it's losers, collect my ridiculous golden parachute, and buy an island as far away from civilization as possible. KK isn't worth wading time on. Who gives a rats ass about her? About any management people in this sorry excuse for a company.
So go sit on a carrot, eat that kale, it's good for you.

Listen with the intent to understand, not the intent to reply. People are the only animals that drink the milk of the mother of another species. All other animals stop drinking milk altogether after weaning. It is unnatural for a dog to nurse from a mother giraffe; it is just as unnatural for a human being to drink the milk of a cow.

Listen with the intent to understand, not the intent to reply. People are the only animals that drink the milk of the mother of another species. All other animals stop drinking milk altogether after weaning. It is unnatural for a dog to nurse from a mother giraffe; it is just as unnatural for a human being to drink the milk of a cow.

It is also unnatural for a leader to not trust her sales people or any other people who support her team and feel the need to do, track and inspect everything out of insecurity.

Just sayin'

Listen with the intent to understand, not the intent to reply. People are the only animals that drink the milk of the mother of another species. All other animals stop drinking milk altogether after weaning. It is unnatural for a dog to nurse from a mother giraffe; it is just as unnatural for a human being to drink the milk of a cow.

What the hell have you been drinking? You are one screwed up dude! Do you live in a commune or the jungle? You really need some help. Medical weed may help, or baseball to the head may scramble your brain to some semblance of sanity.

When a man wantonly destroys one of the works of man we call him a vandal. When he destroys one of the works of god we call him a sportsman.

Could you please elaborate on why you feel compelled to defend a person who is loathed for her own actions and choices she has made that have had nevative consequences on peoples lives and careers. Perhaps some time in deep reflection and exposure to sensitivity training would change the vast impressions of negativity against her?

She is far from a work of God, but rather a "piece of work!"