I have heard this argument before and I don't buy it at all. We are spoiled to had been exposed to good leadership and business practices?? What made Shire a great place to work for so long is that it WASN'T big pharma. In the past few years, the people who built this company have been phased out and big pharma people were hired and are now in control. Now, they are employing the practices that you call "the norm".
And for what?? They feel that Shire needed poor leadership to lose the trust of it's salesforce which have been a huge reason for the success of this company? Good luck justifying that one. I know that they love to get up on stage with their little nightclub outfits and smile and tell you a bunch of BS like everyone can't se right through it, but it is really sad to see what this company has become.
^^^^ Couldn't have said this any better! Look at the track record of our Senior leaders including Yasick, Bonnell, Clarissa. What have they done at their previous "big pharma" companies before coming to Shire?