if i hear another taytay song i will go crazy I love you :eek:
anonymous Guest anonymous   Nov 01, 2020 at 01:30: PM #61 anonymous Guest angry old fart said: if i hear another taytay song i will go crazy Click to expand... I love you
anonymous Guest anonymous   Nov 01, 2020 at 02:09: PM #62 anonymous Guest anonymous said: Did someone get their feelings hurt ? Go back to McDs and enjoy the music there. It seems you can’t handle working in a grown ups environment. I think they should play country music all day everyday. Click to expand... Just stop your crying
anonymous said: Did someone get their feelings hurt ? Go back to McDs and enjoy the music there. It seems you can’t handle working in a grown ups environment. I think they should play country music all day everyday. Click to expand... Just stop your crying
anonymous Guest anonymous   Nov 01, 2020 at 02:30: PM #63 anonymous Guest No more old music. EVER. New stuff from 2010 and beyond. plzzzz
anonymous Guest anonymous   Nov 01, 2020 at 07:36: PM #64 anonymous Guest I heard this song the other day. It become one of my favorite songs to listen to when jogging with my ipod.
I heard this song the other day. It become one of my favorite songs to listen to when jogging with my ipod.