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If on Warning Letter, Should your Resign?

No. Given that half of your calls are fake, you should have plenty of time within the timeframe of your letter to find another job.

Good luck!

This industry is slow to change. The sales model is broken. Yet there is no major overhaul - I get it - too much disruption to the stock price. Public company's primary function is profit maximization to share holders.

Fake calls because there is a call average to keep and there aren't enough docs willing to see you to realistically maintain the call average. It's like pushing the rock up the hill only to have it fall down and then you have to start all over again. Heard of that myth?

I'd really like to know what sales management does all day. It's like Hitler pushing imaginary divisions around on a map in 1945. Reality is not reality. Perception is reality. Until it is...

P.S. No faking calls while on a WW. That's a no-no!!!

So, assume you reach the end of the WW and you are told you don't meet the standards specified in the letter and you are let go. Then they either bring you in and sit you down with HR on the CC or they do it over the phone.

What I want to know, is there any point in time after the termination takes effect that you can let loose with a barage of profanities that would make satan blush?

Come on people, let's hear your ideas. What would you say in that situation?

So, assume you reach the end of the WW and you are told you don't meet the standards specified in the letter and you are let go. Then they either bring you in and sit you down with HR on the CC or they do it over the phone.

What I want to know, is there any point in time after the termination takes effect that you can let loose with a barage of profanities that would make satan blush?

Come on people, let's hear your ideas. What would you say in that situation?

If no severance, say what you want. The company will never tell any prospective employer more than your work time period. Just remember that dick DBM that fires you may turn out to be your next DBM at your next pharma co - get into another business.

Attention HR person: Are you sure if a potential employer calls BMS to verify employment, BMS cannot say you were let go for cause? I've heard that companies can do this. Can they only state the time period that I worked for BMS and nothing else?

The only information they can confirm are dates of employment and salary. Confirm meaning that the party inquiring would have to state the dates and salary and BMS can only say yes or no. Also, they can say if the person is eligible for rehire or not.

The only information they can confirm are dates of employment and salary. Confirm meaning that the party inquiring would have to state the dates and salary and BMS can only say yes or no. Also, they can say if the person is eligible for rehire or not.

Well, if they can say whether you are eligible for rehire, I am screwed.

Classic CP Loser Response.

Good comeback asshole

Maybe I should of said to cry, follow their game plan, lose you self worth, look for answers from everyone else around you, ask HR for advice, kiss your manager's ass, get a lawyer, etc,etc.

Look for another job NOW because either you are going to get fired, or after "rehabilitation", you won't feel like working for a fucking company like this anyway.

End of story

Good comeback asshole

Maybe I should of said to cry, follow their game plan, lose you self worth, look for answers from everyone else around you, ask HR for advice, kiss your manager's ass, get a lawyer, etc,etc.

Look for another job NOW because either you are going to get fired, or after "rehabilitation", you won't feel like working for a fucking company like this anyway.

End of story

should have said not "should of said", you ignorant rube

Thanks for this info. I have over 10 years with the company. I didn't know you can get a severance after being let go for not meeting expectations in the WW. I have been documenting all correspondence with my manager. Basically my sales suck and I'm being told I can't sell but I have evidence against to support positive behaviors. IE role play exericses by DBM's in different districts. I've gotten zero feedback or coaching in the last 3 months and virtually no correspondence with my boss in last 3 months. Asked me for a bunch of turn around business action plans which I gave my manager but manager had no input into process. It's just been, I want this stuff produce it for me by this date.

So yeah, I will go to HR generalist and give my side of the story and I've got alot of documentation to show. We'll see how it goes...

Good luck. Have your sales "sucked" for quite a while? How did you finish last year? It's a hard road ahead but not impossible to overcome. Behaviors are subjective, so they can "change" quickly by your DBMs discretion. Have you done anything that pissed him/her off, or are there any other reasons such as 'falsification of calls' they can also get you on? Only asking b/c WW may be the best option...there are other things they can find where it's 1 and done. If they want u gone- you're gone.
HR will not help you.

The above is the best advice of all. HR protects the company from lawsuits...not you!
How do I know?....I worked in HR for ten years before I got ulcers from screwing with people to protect inept and unethical managers, regional mgrs, VP's, etc.

E&C is the place to go. The company will always back the manager unless there is overt, proveable racial or religious discrimination or sexual harassment.

Do not quit, unless you don't care about unemployment benes. Severance...maybe. Depends on how bad they want you gone, or how much they need to cover their asses.

I wish you well.

Ummmm....not so sure. Going to "E&C" could also open a can of worms and an investigation on YOU! Are all of your "detail only" calls legit? Probably not. Just guessing. Attorney? Ha! I guess if you have deep enough pockets to fight the already heavily staffed company lawyers (all for a fight you will lose)
Stay on WW. Maybe u make. Maybe u don't. Sounds like this may be a good thing if your DM is such a jerk.

Less than 50% in current environment.
Definitely less than 50%. Since it sounds like this WW came after the EOY PC in 2011 (which was mandatory for a certain overall score), and it came out of nowhere- honestly your chances drastically decrease. Some were put on WW for 2011 EOY PCs. That could have been due to a lot of other factors such as territory realignment. So, some of those people the DBM actually wanted to keep. If u get a WW "mid-stream", it is not good but you basically have to accept it.
BTW, don't bother calling the RBD either. That is who is likely pushing the WW. Big push to "push out" low performers right now.

It doesn't state anywhere in the WW that they would pay me severance if I were terminated. It just says if I don't meet the requirements at the end of the stated period I WILL be terminated. Do you think there is any value in obtaining legal representation? If only to possibly help in negotiating severance and extended healthcare benefits?

Definitely hire an attorney! It will help. BMS is getting threatened for lawsuits all over the country for age and gender discrimination.