If Merck was a sports team it would be...

Good morning to the investors of the world and wealth be with you. The week is coming to a very profitable conclusion. I decided to become a minority owner of a successful libation manufacturer. The lowly masses enjoy a wee bit of mind numbing drug every now and then so why not make a profit out of their meager funds. In combination with my betting parlor I take them for a ride.
I observe that the Corporate Management is making more positive downsizing decisions which is way overdue. When completed my returns will be enhanced.
Big decision, should I have beef or pork for breakfast? I despise vegans so I'll enjoy a large mouthwatering steak with local fruit offerings and a Watney fizz.
Well to the winners step on the losers!

The SF 49ers. Once great. Living off of a legacy name. No winning product. No positive growth. Cutting expenses and selling off assets. Not a good team to be with in the future.

Not a sports team, but Merck is starting to remind me of Sears. Once a great company, industry leader, now living off of a legacy brand name and selling off assets to stay afloat.

New England Patriots
Don't be bitter you special needs NJ r*****. Boston is the only think keeping this shithole of a company floating right now. Do you really need to go through Brady stats? If you have the brainpower look it up. There was a reason why we still have 90 plus years on the lease. Best move we ever did.

Now stop being a special needs r*****.

Once a powerhouse, but now plagued by in-fighting, bad management decisions, and luck that has run out.

Eagles offensive lineman Lane Johnson ripped into the NE Patriots organization this week:

"I just think that The Patriot Way is a fear-based organization," he said. "Obviously, do they win? Hell yes, they win. They've won for a long time. Do I think people enjoy and can say, 'I had a lot of fun playing there?' No, I don't. That's just the God's honest truth."

Over their almost decade and a half of success, the Pats have been notoriously tight-lipped and have been ruthless when it comes to cutting or trading players in certain situations. Of course, there have also been scandals such as SpyGate and the DeflateGate."

Let's substitute some words:
"The Patriot Way" = Merck
"cutting players" = laying off employees
"certain situations" = the Petya computer virus incident
"DeflateGate" = Vioxx scandal

Too bad we can't say "Kenny" = "Belicheck"