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"If ballots don't work, bullets will"


Said Allen West's pick for his chief of staff, Joyce Kaufman, until he was called out on it.

If they can't win fairly, well, then, start shooting people who we tell you are the enemy.

Just another of your insane and dishonest mischaracterizations.

The only thing Kaufman is guilty of is offending liberal's and defying political correctness. She stands with the founders. You stand with idiots.

Ballots worked real well for the Jews in Hitler's Germany now didn't they? Why do you think Hitler wanted gun control? Because then he could do away with the ballot. Fools like you, unlike the founders, learn nothing from history or human nature.

Now change you drawers that you've wet in your hysteria and calm down.


Said Allen West's pick for his chief of staff, Joyce Kaufman, until he was called out on it.

If they can't win fairly, well, then, start shooting people who we tell you are the enemy.

Great way to be responsible and help everyone calm down. You are as bad they come. And you claim to have graduated from USAFA. I don't think so.

Great way to be responsible and help everyone calm down. You are as bad they come. And you claim to have graduated from USAFA. I don't think so.

We all know you wish those previous statements by "respectable" members of the GOP to go away right now. Too fucking late.

I noticed you had nothing to say about your fellow co conservaturd defending that persons statements with the bogus claim that the constitution prescries shooting electing officials if you dont get your way at the ballot box.

More to come.

Sadly, I don't think these libs understand why we have the 2nd ammendment. That ammendment garantees all the others.

Hon, you're just as conflicted, dishonest and phony as the slave owning genocidal maniacs who started this whole charade proclaiming liberty and equality for all never, ever meaning or practicing it in real life.