Ichan may be the poster boy for corporate greed, but Forest has become a model of corporate inefficiency. I'm not saying that makes what Icahn is doing right, but the good ol' boys network at this company has sort of brought it on themselves. When you are a public company this is what can happen. If they wanted to continue the nepotism ad infinitum they should have been a little smarter in watching the bottom line. While Forest has performed well over the last year it has underperformed for multiple previous years. Just as our country is tanking because of self-interested politicians who care more about getting re-elected than what actually happens to the country, the Forest board of directors has become so entrenched that they care only about continuing to line their pockets. That is Icahn's point! While I don't wish anyone to lose their job, the model Forest has can not last. Continuing to hire multiple sales forces pushing the same products, multiple reps in the same offices day in and day out, is why pharma has suffered so dramatically the last few years. Forest has now become the worst offender. All of the large companies have realized this and are backing down while Forest continues to expand. Hopefully, as the new drugs (linaclotide, aclidinium, etc) come to market, Forest will redistribute its' existing sales forces instead of hiring new people. Maybe, just maybe, they will avoid layoffs if they can get these new products to market quickly enough.