
while we are busting our ass w two launches the corporate is sitting back planning on how to sell the heck out of this company to investors, for the investors it looks good that the company is expanding w more sales force, they only expanded to make forest more attractive for the buyer., why are we wasting our time busting our ass in the field? it will soon all be all over

while we are busting our ass w two launches the corporate is sitting back planning on how to sell the heck out of this company to investors, for the investors it looks good that the company is expanding w more sales force, they only expanded to make forest more attractive for the buyer., why are we wasting our time busting our ass in the field? it will soon all be all over

Who really thinks that Mr Icahn wants to be in the pharma business long term? No one. That is what I thought. It is in his interest to let all this scandal drive the stock price down, then buy more, then do some cuts, improve the balance sheets and sell the company or parts of it to the highest bidder. And so it goes.

And to think that I idolized Solomon when I used to work for Forest...

Howard is not the problem. It is all the stupid reps at this company who VOTED for the current administration!

Cause and effect. New president crowns Karen Sibilius as head of the new health care reform. She then demanded that Howard step down which is an atrocious abuse of power, think Stalin, Castro, Chavez.
Howard , rightly refused. Ichan then comes into the picture demanding that Howard resign.

Therefore all of you will face the consequences of the stupid decisions of your fellow reps.

Blame your counterpart who hated Bush because he had started wars, Guantanamo, etc.

Everyone needs to stop jumping to conclusions just because of something they read. Obviously Icahn has over 6% of his money invested in the company and he's going to do anything he can to get his way. Nobody knows for sure what will happen or what's really gone on, or not gone on behind the scenes. I agree it's not fun to think of what may happen but freaking out and posting one person's article does not mean the sky is falling.

sorry guys, you're clearly on the chopping block...reps should be mostly ok as long as products sell, but HQ is cleary overhead once the highest bidder takes over. Knowing how cheap Forest is don't expect much of a severance

Face reality people. Howard and anyone else in upper management will only look out for themselves (have they ever cared about anything else). They will set up their golden parachutes and be gone just at the right time. EVERYBODY else will be left to fend for themselves.

And to the idiot poster who says Howard is not the problem, you obviously have no time with the company. Howard has always been the problem. He is a snake in the grass. And no I am not a fan of the current admin. I just see things as they always have been.

I have always been able to see the Forest through the trees.

Face reality people. Howard and anyone else in upper management will only look out for themselves (have they ever cared about anything else). They will set up their golden parachutes and be gone just at the right time. EVERYBODY else will be left to fend for themselves.

And to the idiot poster who says Howard is not the problem, you obviously have no time with the company. Howard has always been the problem. He is a snake in the grass. And no I am not a fan of the current admin. I just see things as they always have been.

I have always been able to see the Forest through the trees.

No I am not saying Howard is a saint. However, we paid our fined to almost 400 million and settled with the govt. Then 3 months later , they say , no we want this and that and we want howard to resign. This is bullshit. What happens afte howard resigns, will the govt want you to cut your price to 10 cents a pill because of the prior issues? And if howard does not resign, what will happen to your job? Why isnt the govt asking the CEO at Liily to resign or PFizer? The funny thing is I am sure Howard voted for the current admin. haaa haaa

sorry guys, you're clearly on the chopping block...reps should be mostly ok as long as products sell, but HQ is cleary overhead once the highest bidder takes over. Knowing how cheap Forest is don't expect much of a severance

To who wrote this message I'm curious as to why exactly you think we don't have a chance at not being sold. Not being a smart ass I'm just trying to make an informed decision as to how likely it will be that we all have no jobs here in the near future. Obviously we all know Forest hasn't done layoffs so we don't know if there would even be a severance if anything goes down. Does anyone know if there is something somewhere that says if and what a severance would be if something like this occurred?

"...New president crowns Karen Sibilius as head of the new health care reform..."

I understand your point, but please do your research before you post. It's Kathleen Sebelius and she is the Secretary of Health and Human Services.

The stupidity of people on this forum is mind blowing. Howie is a genius. No company is going to buy us because Howie is a genius and has set up the patents on our drugs so strategically with licensing and partnership agreements so that any company that tried to buy us wouldn't make any money. The only thing another company would be buying is the sales force and if they want to cut the sales force then they are left with scraps.

The stupidity of people on this forum is mind blowing. Howie is a genius. No company is going to buy us because Howie is a genius and has set up the patents on our drugs so strategically with licensing and partnership agreements so that any company that tried to buy us wouldn't make any money. The only thing another company would be buying is the sales force and if they want to cut the sales force then they are left with scraps.

How are the patents different that other companies wouldn't be able to make a profit?

The stupidity of people on this forum is mind blowing. Howie is a genius. No company is going to buy us because Howie is a genius and has set up the patents on our drugs so strategically with licensing and partnership agreements so that any company that tried to buy us wouldn't make any money. The only thing another company would be buying is the sales force and if they want to cut the sales force then they are left with scraps.

no one is going to buy you, you will be downsized. Forest expense are out of whack now and will have to reduced once lexapro goes generic.

Mar 31, 2011 Mar 31, 2010 Mar 31, 2009
Total Revenue 4,419,700 4,192,862 3,922,782

Cost of Revenue 963,981 924,346 816,680
Gross Profit 3,455,719 3,268,516 3,106,102
Operating Expenses

Research Development 715,872

Selling General and Administrative 1,402,111

Look at how much forest spend on RD and SGA last year, probably as much as the entire lexapro revenue. Ichan will probably cut expense in a big way by cutting off the R&D and then go for a reduce head count. then he will sell the company

No I am not saying Howard is a saint. However, we paid our fined to almost 400 million and settled with the govt. Then 3 months later , they say , no we want this and that and we want howard to resign. This is bullshit. What happens afte howard resigns, will the govt want you to cut your price to 10 cents a pill because of the prior issues? And if howard does not resign, what will happen to your job? Why isnt the govt asking the CEO at Liily to resign or PFizer? The funny thing is I am sure Howard voted for the current admin. haaa haaa

You guys have always done what you wanted now the govt is going to do the same to you. I can wait until someone takes you over and you have to work side by side with the competition you have played dirty with for so long. Thats if you are lucky enough to keep your jobs because really why would they need you when they have their own people to just pick up where you left off.

read his dossier and how her operates... Ichan will try to sell Forest. that is why he is buying shares and appointing board members to control the company and get everything in order primed to sell.

If forest is acquired the reps/managers fate will be in the hands of the new controlling company if we stay or go. This will all take at least 1-2 years though for it to reach the lower levels

its all really evil to me, all about the $$$ for investment firms that already have enough and want more. Howard is a businessman as well but seems to have developed forest and it was so successful bc of his sons depression so there was some heart there in the business.

read his dossier and how her operates... Ichan will try to sell Forest. that is why he is buying shares and appointing board members to control the company and get everything in order primed to sell.

If forest is acquired the reps/managers fate will be in the hands of the new controlling company if we stay or go. This will all take at least 1-2 years though for it to reach the lower levels

its all really evil to me, all about the $$$ for investment firms that already have enough and want more. Howard is a businessman as well but seems to have developed forest and it was so successful bc of his sons depression so there was some heart there in the business.

I actually hope Icahn moves faster. I am so burnt out with this right now. Useless ride alongs and sell at any cost is not for me. Chase signatures for LAP targets. This is not real sales and I cannot get out of here fast enough. At least if Icahn does his damage I can make some money off my stocks and get a small severance package and then move on.