IBU reorganization coming?

It's good dermatology is changing. They actually have competitors now and none of them know how to sell, they can't just sample drop like they used to.

I doubt there will be changes for Slate/Indigo this year, probably next year. I almost wish they would do one massive restructure and then just let things settle for a couple of years. Although I don't see how there will be a future here, we have no new products... PM also needs to go.

It's good dermatology is changing. They actually have competitors now and none of them know how to sell, they can't just sample drop like they used to.

I doubt there will be changes for Slate/Indigo this year, probably next year. I almost wish they would do one massive restructure and then just let things settle for a couple of years. Although I don't see how there will be a future here, we have no new products... PM also needs to go.
I disagree with most of your points.

It's good dermatology is changing. They actually have competitors now and none of them know how to sell, they can't just sample drop like they used to.

I doubt there will be changes for Slate/Indigo this year, probably next year. I almost wish they would do one massive restructure and then just let things settle for a couple of years. Although I don't see how there will be a future here, we have no new products... PM also needs to go.

Typical Amgen blow hard. "don't know how to sell?" Fuck you bitch.

They had zero coverage from launch until 2018. They had no OL support. They had a tiny marketing presence. They had one thing: a ultra competitive sales team who got paid bank that drove the product to $ 2 BILLION. Payers had no choice but to add them because the volume was so high. Celgene drove 6 years of consecutive TRX growth. It only slowed down once Amgen got their "activity" hands on it.

Oh yea, they had competitors. Ever heard of Humira? (you should because they prison raped Enbrel and then slapped your spouse). Every heard of Stelara? Every heard of Remicade? You are an idiot.

Amgen had a chance to actually change themselves and adopt the best of the Celgene culture but you chose to destroy it. I am no longer there but I hear Amgen is still creating new acronyms, paying vendors for new selling models and sill shuffling GMs like a deck of cards.

You abandoned dermatology with Enbrel and they will never forgive you. Your Ox-40 could be good, but your legal is killing any chance to differentiate.

Enjoy your lives and just remember, the key to success is to wildly cheer presenters and ask meaningless questions on calls.

☝This long thread and the CREATOR who posted apparently isn’t here anymore! Yeah right! You are here and miserable. Nobody takes the time to post on an Amgen thread unless they are still working here! You are way too opinionated and sound like a Celgene rep who is miserable! Your points are shit and lacking. I’m glad TN took over! Now KG is heading over. Farewell Celegene peeps or the few of you who are left! You guys are sub par. I doubt you could ever compete in the biologic space. You guys are lazy as all hell. You drop samples, wave, and head home. Sounds like you need to find a new gig! Bye. Make room for the others who want to be here!

☝This long thread and the CREATOR who posted apparently isn’t here anymore! Yeah right! You are here and miserable. Nobody takes the time to post on an Amgen thread unless they are still working here! You are way too opinionated and sound like a Celgene rep who is miserable! Your points are shit and lacking. I’m glad TN took over! Now KG is heading over. Farewell Celegene peeps or the few of you who are left! You guys are sub par. I doubt you could ever compete in the biologic space. You guys are lazy as all hell. You drop samples, wave, and head home. Sounds like you need to find a new gig! Bye. Make room for the others who want to be here!
wow, KG is headed over. That's a game changer. Look for an additional billion is sales as a result. Wait until KR shows up - that's another billion. At least we will have some audience cheerleaders. Once TM takes over the Northeast, the coup will be complete. Dynasty for sure!

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