Ian=undercover boss


Please show the working class, which is currently supporting the excess of you and your family, that you can do the day to day work and increase sales for products that have poor coverage and that cost hundreds per months. Please teach us how to get physicians to force low income patients to pay for these products, so you and your sprog can continue to live the lifestyle to which you are accustom.

Ian, please show the salesforce just how intergated to our process you are by joining us in experiencing our uncertinaty, participate in "Undercover Boss". His family should experience how it feels to celebrate the holidays as most Pfizer families do, by wondering if they will be homeless by the first of the new year.


How do you justify the thousands of families are putting their lives on hold, kids not going to
college, bills going unpaid, no christmas gifts being purchased, etc. While you get hundreds

of thousands in bonus to your Millions in salary, do have any feelings at all? Do you give a damn at all when we are selling Toviaz (for OAB) in an environment where it's not covered for
Medicare patients. Do you YOUR target population pissing their pants all day cause u cant get Medicare to pay for their meds? Come on Ian, you ball less bastard, make your move. Do something worthwhile for once in your miserable highprofile life.


Please show the working class, which is currently supporting the excess of you and your family, that you can do the day to day work and increase sales for products that have poor coverage and that cost hundreds per months. Please teach us how to get physicians to force low income patients to pay for these products, so you and your sprog can continue to live the lifestyle to which you are accustom.

Ian, please show the salesforce just how intergated to our process you are by joining us in experiencing our uncertinaty, participate in "Undercover Boss". His family should experience how it feels to celebrate the holidays as most Pfizer families do, by wondering if they will be homeless by the first of the new year.


How do you justify the thousands of families are putting their lives on hold, kids not going to
college, bills going unpaid, no christmas gifts being purchased, etc. While you get hundreds

of thousands in bonus to your Millions in salary, do have any feelings at all? Do you give a damn at all when we are selling Toviaz (for OAB) in an environment where it's not covered for
Medicare patients. Do you YOUR target population pissing their pants all day cause u cant get Medicare to pay for their meds? Come on Ian, you ball less bastard, make your move. Do something worthwhile for once in your miserable highprofile life.

God wants the little people to suffer and struggle a bit! It builds character and ambition.
Doesn't everyone want to be me one day ???

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