I don't know what is funnier, the fact that you actually think that my disdain and contempt is reserved for JUST the CSO role (It's not, as the CSO role is just as worthless of a position as a company direct role. Neither provide any value at all), or the fact that you actually think that a drug rep "produces" anything.
I hate to burst your bubble, but you don't "produce" anything more than the illusion that your role is needed, and THAT is your job; to maintain that illusion. Even a cursory look at territories across the board that are open or have reps that are out on maternity/medical leave; will demonstrate to even the most gullible among us that we do not contribute anything to the use/non-use of whatever silly drug that we talk with the front desk receptionist about.
You job is to insure that your boss has a job, and his job is to insure that HIS boss has a job, and so on, and so forth. Maintaining a collective illusion of necessity so that the VP levels can keep their 350k/year checks coming in the door, for the onerous task of slicing and dicing reports showing made-up call frequency/reach; is the ONLY reason that you were hired.
It's just a game chief, that's all. Just a game. Your belief in the "true-ness" of that game is irrelevant to the game itself. That's ok, though. Most people are conditioned to be stupid, and will use the "I work hard" excuse to cover up for the fact that they are too stupid to realize that in which they participate. But you keep right on believing in that reality, because this industry needs people like you. They need people that will believe just about anything.