I work for Zoll and wake up at 9am every day

You mean that freak show Auto-Deny Expense report Ms. Kumpf?

It's Mrs. Kumpf to you; you insignificant, sniveling little barnacles. K Money increased the bottom line nationally by challenging you expense cheating, fruitcake eating, spouse beating LOSERS. Don't steal and you won't get caught. You have been served...

It's Mrs. Kumpf to you; you insignificant, sniveling little barnacles. K Money increased the bottom line nationally by challenging you expense cheating, fruitcake eating, spouse beating LOSERS. Don't steal and you won't get caught. You have been served...

Who needs to steal? I'd rather stay at home and collect my check for a year or year and a half. Can't make your number after that so why bother working. He Zoll is your game. You made the rules I'm just playing.