Unfortunately this is what Zoll management is like. I'll bet you are also in your first 18 months as you don't now the facts. The average rep is here only 18 months. And, yes, PIPs all around when you are not making your goal despite the ever growing quota. You don't PIP unless there is something wrong? Well, Zoll seems to think anyone that can't make a quota where it goes up every few weeks and then a big jump in quota at the start of the year with the quota once again going up every two weeks has something "wrong" with them. Everyone in marketing and training should be PIPed for teaching people how to use old studies that don't even have the LV in a them to sell their product and then teach them to tell physicians well if this study shows this..well, then the LV should work for this. There is NO evidence and quite honestly, this is illegal to do. Let's mage ask the Gov what they think?