I wanna go home from this stupid launch

cant wait to hear what stupid contest they have planned to get us so excited to launch this stupid product? daliresp is barely breathing, so lets add another POS to that call. I detest this meeting. I heard they will have us running around vegas looking for "prizes" as an incentive contest. the real prize will be getting bought by az and getting a severance package. shoot me now.

More bribes money for my docs to make mo money for me. I love it!! Additional18k kick back from my cousin's catering business.
I love working 20 hrs a week for these fools!!! Thanks Len

God?? Is it over yet I want to vomit!!
Tudorza?? Really Ughhh

I need a help!!!!
Can anyone help me understanding if Forest Lab. intend to initiate head to head studies to compare Tudorza Pressair and Spiriva????

Any comment such as when the initialization is planned, number of patients, etc. would be helpful.... Thanks!!!

I need a help!!!!
Can anyone help me understanding if Forest Lab. intend to initiate head to head studies to compare Tudorza Pressair and Spiriva????

Any comment such as when the initialization is planned, number of patients, etc. would be helpful.... Thanks!!!

The study is already underway double blind placebo controlled, 75,000 patients randomized to Tudorza, Spiriva, and placebo. Six month results show statistical superiority for Tudorza vs. Spiriva and placebo on the endpoints of trough FEV1 improvement and reductions in COPD exacerbations. One year trial results will be finished in December. Paper should be published in NEJM early spring.

There is no such trial...in case you haven't guessed already. This product is going to suck, I hear that the real reason for the delay in launch is due to device QC issues. No problem, daliresp is going to take off any day...