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I understand worse place for insight but....


Currently with a great Biotech, but considering a move.
I understand I should expect typical 15-20% bump, however, is there a range/guardrails?

Company outlook on new division?

Typical Sales Comp?(I would love to feel like the harder I work, the more I'll make again).

Really opening myself up here...,but cars? I expect to put 40K+/year on, so I'd like to know.


Company not paying like they used to. For new hires they are looking to have starting salary of 70-90k. You better be a rock star for even coming close to 90. Also, harder to hit quota. Expect to make very little there. Top performers can be over 40k but that is rare for most. Hope this helps.

Company not paying like they used to. For new hires they are looking to have starting salary of 70-90k. You better be a rock star for even coming close to 90. Also, harder to hit quota. Expect to make very little there. Top performers can be over 40k but that is rare for most. Hope this helps.

I call BS on this salary range. If that's the case they will not get 1 single rheum spec rep with biologic experience.

Fwiw i heard salaries will be between 90-120

considering the lack of talent they have hired for DM and RBD, I would not expect a high caliber rep or a high rep salary.

The hiring game they are playing has made me decide to not move forward. It is pathetic...hiring all white men and women who are connected in some way to top VP without regard for experience

considering the lack of talent they have hired for DM and RBD, I would not expect a high caliber rep or a high rep salary.

The hiring game they are playing has made me decide to not move forward. It is pathetic...hiring all white men and women who are connected in some way to top VP without regard for experience

Yes. This is the exact type of company and division that ends up failing. They want to hire the same type of person. They will get slapped with a lawsuit faster then you can slap your own ass. I too backed out of the process. No thank you! There are much better companies out there with a better caliber of people you want to be around and actually respect!

considering the lack of talent they have hired for DM and RBD, I would not expect a high caliber rep or a high rep salary.

The hiring game they are playing has made me decide to not move forward. It is pathetic...hiring all white men and women who are connected in some way to top VP without regard for experience

Wow, way to play the race card!

I call BS on this salary range. If that's the case they will not get 1 single rheum spec rep with biologic experience.

Fwiw i heard salaries will be between 90-120

Can anyone confirm this range?

I understand some are skeptical. As is the case with any new salesforce hiring.

I am just looking for insight into how current Celgene reps feel about the company(security, not "culture"), and it's Incentives. I'm not worried as much about hiring practices and how the interviewer treats me...sorry.

I too am interested in the company. I asked my customers in oncology/hematology and to a person they said great products, great people.

It seems that Wall Street thinks highly of the opportunity.

I don't know many Rheumatologists, but the 2 I asked were pumped about the product if Celgene prices it right.

From what I can gather, CELG pays well and their benefits are average to the industry. Not as great as the old line pharma companies but in line with biotech of the last 20 years. What is hard to put a handle on is the equity piece. With any equity award at all and their previous performance, looks like a place to make some coin.

I don't really pay attention to the losers on this board who can't seem to gain an initial interview or had a 30 minute interview. When you can't cut it, its a lot easier to complain, play the race card, play the sex card, do anything but admit maybe you just aren't good enough.

I don't know if I'll make it, but so far looks like a great opportunity.

I too am interested in the company. I asked my customers in oncology/hematology and to a person they said great products, great people.

It seems that Wall Street thinks highly of the opportunity.

I don't know many Rheumatologists, but the 2 I asked were pumped about the product if Celgene prices it right.

From what I can gather, CELG pays well and their benefits are average to the industry. Not as great as the old line pharma companies but in line with biotech of the last 20 years. What is hard to put a handle on is the equity piece. With any equity award at all and their previous performance, looks like a place to make some coin.

I don't really pay attention to the losers on this board who can't seem to gain an initial interview or had a 30 minute interview. When you can't cut it, its a lot easier to complain, play the race card, play the sex card, do anything but admit maybe you just aren't good enough.

I don't know if I'll make it, but so far looks like a great opportunity.

I feel the same way. Usually the Big Pharma boards are where the whining is rampant. This looks like a good opportunity and I am hoping to interview as well.

I feel the same way. Usually the Big Pharma boards are where the whining is rampant. This looks like a good opportunity and I am hoping to interview as well.

I agree. First level headed post.

One always finds whiners playing any excuse they can to not accept their own responsibility.

Attention - you didn't get the job. Move along.

I too am interested in the company. I asked my customers in oncology/hematology and to a person they said great products, great people.

It seems that Wall Street thinks highly of the opportunity.

I don't know many Rheumatologists, but the 2 I asked were pumped about the product if Celgene prices it right.

From what I can gather, CELG pays well and their benefits are average to the industry. Not as great as the old line pharma companies but in line with biotech of the last 20 years. What is hard to put a handle on is the equity piece. With any equity award at all and their previous performance, looks like a place to make some coin.

I don't really pay attention to the losers on this board who can't seem to gain an initial interview or had a 30 minute interview. When you can't cut it, its a lot easier to complain, play the race card, play the sex card, do anything but admit maybe you just aren't good enough.

I don't know if I'll make it, but so far looks like a great opportunity.

Hello MCfly?! When they start off all interviews by saying "you have 30 minutes" and then ask everyone the same mundane questions and treat the interview as if this was a rush initiation for a sorority you sort of wonder the lack of professionals here. I'm also a five time Presidents club winner. So no whining or bitterness here just stating simple facts and glad and was smart enough to walk away from this toxic environment they are creating with this new salesforce on another me too product. No thanks!

Hello MCfly?! When they start off all interviews by saying "you have 30 minutes" and then ask everyone the same mundane questions and treat the interview as if this was a rush initiation for a sorority you sort of wonder the lack of professionals here. I'm also a five time Presidents club winner. So no whining or bitterness here just stating simple facts and glad and was smart enough to walk away from this toxic environment they are creating with this new salesforce on another me too product. No thanks!

Ay yay yay...you sound like the toxic environment they(me as well) are trying to avoid. Stay in the "presidents club." I'd rather go sell pizza boxes vs. work where there is no accountability...which I am guessing thats where you "earned" President's Club. Again, a guess..but it's certainly a trend, and if I were starting a sales force I'd be leery that the "5 time Presidents Club winner" would be the sure thing.

Hello MCfly?! When they start off all interviews by saying "you have 30 minutes" and then ask everyone the same mundane questions and treat the interview as if this was a rush initiation for a sorority you sort of wonder the lack of professionals here. I'm also a five time Presidents club winner. So no whining or bitterness here just stating simple facts and glad and was smart enough to walk away from this toxic environment they are creating with this new salesforce on another me too product. No thanks!

What region are they doing f2f rep interviews already?

Hello MCfly?! When they start off all interviews by saying "you have 30 minutes" and then ask everyone the same mundane questions and treat the interview as if this was a rush initiation for a sorority you sort of wonder the lack of professionals here. I'm also a five time Presidents club winner. So no whining or bitterness here just stating simple facts and glad and was smart enough to walk away from this toxic environment they are creating with this new salesforce on another me too product. No thanks!

so we are to believe you are a star, so powerful and impressive that you went to an interview with a "me too" product and are mad you didn't make it any further?

go cry in the corner, while I find your passy

Can anyone confirm this range?

I understand some are skeptical. As is the case with any new salesforce hiring.

I am just looking for insight into how current Celgene reps feel about the company(security, not "culture"), and it's Incentives. I'm not worried as much about hiring practices and how the interviewer treats me...sorry.

I heard they are going to try to limit base salary to 90k or under for a majority of fills. They will need approval from high up to go higher. Obviously you need to make a really strong case as to why you're worth more.

I heard they are going to try to limit base salary to 90k or under for a majority of fills. They will need approval from high up to go higher. Obviously you need to make a really strong case as to why you're worth more.

I call BS. Even barely competent specialty pharma reps make over 90K in base. Celgene needs this launch to be a success in order to establish a presence in Immunology. The post mentioning a 100-120K base range sounds more accurate.

so we are to believe you are a star, so powerful and impressive that you went to an interview with a "me too" product and are mad you didn't make it any further?

go cry in the corner, while I find your passy

No crying! Just laughing all the way to the bank with a better job offer $$$. Sayonara sucker!

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