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I.T. MESS - garbage in, garbage out. . . .


Anyone in the sales force at AZ knows what complete garbage our hardware (laptops) and the mess that is AZ software which include our ability to electronically communicate, issues with iCall, total waste that is CustHub, a customer database that is completely screwed with duplicates, wrong addresses, missing addresses, wrong suite numbers, and wrong license numbers or professional designations, the poor functioning of BQC, HR, general communication websites, issues finding ANYTHING, broken links, missing links and so on. I have no doubt the same idiots that have designed and controlled this fiasco also designed the research electronic sites and records. So, are those just as bad? (Example: Go to BQC and there is a wonderful icon for CustHub, Click it and it is a laundry list of questions that you can browse but there is NO link to the actual CustHub!!! LOLOLOLOL - WTF? Are you kidding me? Where is Waldo?)

If all of our customers are a mess with wrong links and licenses, does this happen to all the patients in our trials too?

AZ cannot fix or keep track of anything and no one can easily communicate anything via a website. laughably, this company sends out a zillion emails a day that are bookish in length with your "action" item buried somewhere inside or, worse, buried in the five attachments you have to read and open. WTF is wrong with you people? No one communicates like this anymore!!! It is archaic.

I should be able to click on a website or icon for my specialty that has everything on it including a link to submit AEs, BQC, forms, my action items and my HR information. This is HOW most other large companies operate. Why do I have ten different "social" threads?!! Really, and hundreds of sites I need to visit to get ONE thing done such as find my pay stub, correct a customer address, correct a suite number, look up analytics, record time off, find a company holiday, find out what meetings are coming up for my specialty, find my HR info, my benefit info, my district info, my SIP, my IDP . . . . So, I go to Yammer!!! LMAO! Why? Because you cannot get help or assistance anywhere else besides going onto one of AZ's social threads to figure out a basic software problem or find the answer to something that should have been accomplished in training or be a standardized link or icon. Garbage in garbage out. If there is a way to make it super complicated, AZ will find a way!

A company is only as good as their electronic communication and AZ is undoubtedly the worst of the worst.

So, research, spill it. Are your electronic sites equally as screwed?

You do realize that AZ software and sites have been this way for years and years and HQ does absolutely nothing to actually fix it? It is like the captain ordering the deck hands to move chairs on the deck of the Titanic. We get new stuff to keep someone employed but it is really just the same thing only it looks different. So, just when you thought you could find something, the new program ensures you will be back to square one and completely lost in the land of AZ electronic-land.