These jobs are about taking a lot of money to put up with total bullshit and then lie your ass off and glad hand to keep them. There is not one thing valuable about being a pharma rep except for the samples and vouches. Please spare me the "we save lives" story. All of these drugs have their studies designed to "win." Very few are novel and most could have been replaced by the patient living a better and healthier life early on in life. . . not to mention choosing organic and filtering your water.
I worked in pharma for 17 years. It was a great run and I was able to get out of debt, own a home and have some nice stuff. It definitely improved my family's quality of life. Over time, the job just became mind numbing, management more and more out of touch, (No, pharma does NOT give a shit about patients! - LMAO), and who needs three reps with the same message calling on 50 doctors? Really?
If you find yourself sinking into a hole of depression, if you are sitting in the parking lot or by the lake faking calls all day and hate yourself for doing it, if you crave being valuable again, give up the money and come back to the workforce. I got a new job and pretty much said just that: "I have to give up pharma and need a real job with hard work, complex problems and real selling or I am not going to make it." They hired me on the spot. I am busy. I am happy. I am not sitting by the lake counting the days until layoff or until I get caught faking calls.