I pretend I am dumb so I can be "coached" by an idiot!

Been here long enough to know this. Talented reps will not be discovered and get "moved up". You must do something extra like self promoting, a**kissing, or whatever. I am not saying it is right. You just have to network, highlight yourself, exaggerate, and do all those to package yourself. It is sad but this is the only way.

....so if you want to get ahead show off, dominate the pack, make nothing special look a groundbreaking discovery, AK where it really matters.....but dont be the good worker who does their job without wanting center stage.

REAL Talent rules..., really?

Been here long enough to know this. Talented reps will not be discovered and get "moved up". You must do something extra like self promoting, a**kissing, or whatever. I am not saying it is right. You just have to network, highlight yourself, exaggerate, and do all those to package yourself. It is sad but this is the only way.

I would like to know who discovers stars?