I pretend I am dumb so I can be "coached" by an idiot!


Merck is in such a downward spiral, I wonder when they will be down the drain as opposed
to just circling it.

Why does Merck want young managers that are incompetent and insist on creating problems where none exist?

I have way more experience than my tool of a CTL, so when we have our field ride-a-longs (which are way too frequent) I have to pretend I am thick as a brick, so he will feel like he is actually doing something in coaching me.

What a friggin' joke....

I feel your pain. I was constantly "coached" to "dumb it down." For her. She didn't know what I ws talking about with physicians. Didn't know the difference between Hyper- or hypo-tension. She just thought that "lower was better." Honey, you need a certain degree of blood pressure to perfuse your organs. My first two managers at merck were pharmacists and masters club winners. I think her degree was in "nutrition" or something. then I get this moron for four years. well she ran me off. I heard she got "re-assigned " to singulair/dulera, whatever ,were,lets be honest, a high school junior can sell. There was a time merck was some of the highest i.q. reps around. witness, now, highlight "sales" over "science". merck reps were once valued for medical/scientific knowledge. Now avoided like the plague. "If I need a used car salesman, I know (merck) were to find you."

I feel your pain. I was constantly "coached" to "dumb it down." For her. She didn't know what I ws talking about with physicians. Didn't know the difference between Hyper- or hypo-tension. She just thought that "lower was better." Honey, you need a certain degree of blood pressure to perfuse your organs. My first two managers at merck were pharmacists and masters club winners. I think her degree was in "nutrition" or something. then I get this moron for four years. well she ran me off. I heard she got "re-assigned " to singulair/dulera, whatever ,were,lets be honest, a high school junior can sell. There was a time merck was some of the highest i.q. reps around. witness, now, highlight "sales" over "science". merck reps were once valued for medical/scientific knowledge. Now avoided like the plague. "If I need a used car salesman, I know (merck) were to find you."

Dont get your hopes up, met a few pharmacists even big PhamDs who are low on IQ. Couldnt give me the right answers. Best of all are some of the MBAs. Good at bull and excell but no clue about the medicine. Last time I looked science was chemistry, biochemistry, A&P so the bimbo should have had a grip. Who cares anymore their all the same.

Merck is in such a downward spiral, I wonder when they will be down the drain as opposed
to just circling it.

Why does Merck want young managers that are incompetent and insist on creating problems where none exist?

I have way more experience than my tool of a CTL, so when we have our field ride-a-longs (which are way too frequent) I have to pretend I am thick as a brick, so he will feel like he is actually doing something in coaching me.

What a friggin' joke....

You're great at playing dumb!

Most of the managers are out of touch! And the comment above about bright MBA's is way off base! Have not seen any of those consummate number crunchers who know what the hell's going on! Those idiots still think we get great numbers from IMS and have no clue about what real salesmen do on a day to day basis! The whole company has gone nuts and those we got from Schering are even bigger duds than our home grown idiots! Criteria for managers used to be a somewhat stellar sales career as a minimum but these bozos now have never excelled at anything and we've dummed down the awards so because of poor sales data so we're rewarding folks for being 'change agents' (almost sounds like some O'Bama shit doesn't it) or stooges for the purple 'Koolaid' crowd! If you have 25 in the books right now you're a lucky sucker! How would most of them figure out if you were pretending to be dumb..they're so ignorant they don't get that as well!

I feel your pain. I was constantly "coached" to "dumb it down." For her. She didn't know what I ws talking about with physicians. Didn't know the difference between Hyper- or hypo-tension. She just thought that "lower was better." Honey, you need a certain degree of blood pressure to perfuse your organs. My first two managers at merck were pharmacists and masters club winners. I think her degree was in "nutrition" or something. then I get this moron for four years. well she ran me off. I heard she got "re-assigned " to singulair/dulera, whatever ,were,lets be honest, a high school junior can sell. There was a time merck was some of the highest i.q. reps around. witness, now, highlight "sales" over "science". merck reps were once valued for medical/scientific knowledge. Now avoided like the plague. "If I need a used car salesman, I know (merck) were to find you."

"managers at merck were pharmacists and masters club winners"

Whoopie...Master club, VP and all of it can be a lot of smoke and mirrors. I remember a few years back when one of my team mates was sinking fast in his numbers. I was asked to help copromote with him. The market share picked up then flew. He got VP that year. He was red faced receiving the award. Basically got a bump up that he would never have received without the help. I've got a lot of skepticism now about all these awards. I see a lot of people who should be getting recognition getting nothing year after year, while some people score constantly and not always because they are top reps.

"managers at merck were pharmacists and masters club winners"

Whoopie...Master club, VP and all of it can be a lot of smoke and mirrors. I remember a few years back when one of my team mates was sinking fast in his numbers. I was asked to help copromote with him. The market share picked up then flew. He got VP that year. He was red faced receiving the award. Basically got a bump up that he would never have received without the help. I've got a lot of skepticism now about all these awards. I see a lot of people who should be getting recognition getting nothing year after year, while some people score constantly and not always because they are top reps.

Spot on - I saw the same thing at the awards dinner - some truly deserved the award for their hard work, dedication, and ethics. Then it became more of rewards for those reps that kissed up to their managers, agreed with everything the managers had to say, didn't make waves, didn't question anything. These reps then became the "golden" children - they could do no wrong even when they did; they "walked on water". What happened to the reps who did their job, gave 100%, and moved share? They were passed over the the yes-men, yes-women.

So sad and disgusting how the awards dinner went from one of distinction to one of just plain "stink".

Spot on - I saw the same thing at the awards dinner - some truly deserved the award for their hard work, dedication, and ethics. Then it became more of rewards for those reps that kissed up to their managers, agreed with everything the managers had to say, didn't make waves, didn't question anything. These reps then became the "golden" children - they could do no wrong even when they did; they "walked on water". What happened to the reps who did their job, gave 100%, and moved share? They were passed over the the yes-men, yes-women.

So sad and disgusting how the awards dinner went from one of distinction to one of just plain "stink".

You forgot to mention this is normal for corporate America. Upward mobile reps looking for the next step up know how to highlight themselves. They know how to solicit your support for their benefits without giving your the credit due. You get upset that you are doing the real work and the other one is claiming the victory? Your manager will tell you to work it out. His concern is business and sales. A few reps I know of also got the managers obligated by: boozing them up when in town, taking them to strip shows, do all the computer work for the manager because he/she does not know how to do it, or worse of all, sleep with the manager.

Spot on - I saw the same thing at the awards dinner - some truly deserved the award for their hard work, dedication, and ethics. Then it became more of rewards for those reps that kissed up to their managers, agreed with everything the managers had to say, didn't make waves, didn't question anything. These reps then became the "golden" children - they could do no wrong even when they did; they "walked on water". What happened to the reps who did their job, gave 100%, and moved share? They were passed over the the yes-men, yes-women.

So sad and disgusting how the awards dinner went from one of distinction to one of just plain "stink".

Thats why Merck needs to get back to paying bonus and giving VP based purely on numbers. Then ass-kissing wont matter. Its all how well you can sell. My partner won VP last year. She did work hard but a lot of it was stuff that doesnt contribute to share growth. Account management and busy work. My manager thought she was the golden child. Funny, after spending almost 2 years with me, he realizes she cant even do a stand up call and my messaging is spot on.

Dont do it! If she wants to give you extra work as a way to coach you, offer to read journal articles or studies for the district or something. I bet that inside she knows how good of a rep you are and that she knows less. Just push back in a professional manner or show her that you know what she is trying to teach you with examples. Playing dumb could come back to bite you somehow.

I have to laugh at you guys on here. Do you know what you are: AVERAGE. 90% of workers in the US today bitch about their managers and think they could do a better job. Do you know who your managers are?? They were YOU 5 years ago. But, once they change titles, you automatically dislike them. It has nothing to do with their job proficiency and everything to do with the fact that you can't deal with ANYONE who has authority over you. Just grow up and realize that you can get better at your job and your manager can help with your getting better. Otherwise, just go start your own company and you can be the boss. Until then, just shut up, do your job, and learn what you can from your peers and your boss.

Dont do it! If she wants to give you extra work as a way to coach you, offer to read journal articles or studies for the district or something. I bet that inside she knows how good of a rep you are and that she knows less. Just push back in a professional manner or show her that you know what she is trying to teach you with examples. Playing dumb could come back to bite you somehow.

LOLOL...lots of insecure managers, some secretly know they're not good managers.

I have to laugh at you guys on here. Do you know what you are: AVERAGE. 90% of workers in the US today bitch about their managers and think they could do a better job. Do you know who your managers are?? They were YOU 5 years ago. But, once they change titles, you automatically dislike them. It has nothing to do with their job proficiency and everything to do with the fact that you can't deal with ANYONE who has authority over you. Just grow up and realize that you can get better at your job and your manager can help with your getting better. Otherwise, just go start your own company and you can be the boss. Until then, just shut up, do your job, and learn what you can from your peers and your boss.

Such a generalized statement. Of course sometimes it can be simply jealousy. Sometimes you also have first hand knowledge of how a person made it to that job title: the good and the bad stuff. Sometimes it can be an authority issue as you said. Some managers are promoted to that position based on merits. Sometimes it is because that person (real life example) is the child of a former VP of sales. Some managers can sell. Some cannot. Some are all numbers. Some are good managers. Some are a**holes. Some are here to help you. Some are already plotting what to do to move on as quickly as possible. Speaking as someone who has over a dozen of managers over the years, from when Merck was most admired to the presence.

You forgot to mention this is normal for corporate America. Upward mobile reps looking for the next step up know how to highlight themselves. They know how to solicit your support for their benefits without giving your the credit due. You get upset that you are doing the real work and the other one is claiming the victory? Your manager will tell you to work it out. His concern is business and sales. A few reps I know of also got the managers obligated by: boozing them up when in town, taking them to strip shows, do all the computer work for the manager because he/she does not know how to do it, or worse of all, sleep with the manager.

True.....the self-promoters are the best. Give them a little extra highlight and their chest puffs (LOL, girls too). Notice me!!!!.....like working the room.

I have to laugh at you guys on here. Do you know what you are: AVERAGE. 90% of workers in the US today bitch about their managers and think they could do a better job. Do you know who your managers are?? They were YOU 5 years ago. But, once they change titles, you automatically dislike them. It has nothing to do with their job proficiency and everything to do with the fact that you can't deal with ANYONE who has authority over you. Just grow up and realize that you can get better at your job and your manager can help with your getting better. Otherwise, just go start your own company and you can be the boss. Until then, just shut up, do your job, and learn what you can from your peers and your boss.

Obviously you don't know Merck field sales at the moment. Let's just say the company sucks and it's downhill from there. I've had one great manager, one good manager, and a lot of average to awful ones over 30 years here. I've managed to survive by being a good game player but this place is like a living hell at the moment for many of us. I'm lucky I don't have to care much anymore.

I have to laugh at you guys on here. Do you know what you are: AVERAGE. 90% of workers in the US today bitch about their managers and think they could do a better job. Do you know who your managers are?? They were YOU 5 years ago. But, once they change titles, you automatically dislike them. It has nothing to do with their job proficiency and everything to do with the fact that you can't deal with ANYONE who has authority over you. Just grow up and realize that you can get better at your job and your manager can help with your getting better. Otherwise, just go start your own company and you can be the boss. Until then, just shut up, do your job, and learn what you can from your peers and your boss.

You mean in 5 years you're due to move on up? I know reps who are waiting for years,
now getting grey and still not "moved up." Guess they lack the most important proficiency of all...."working he system."

Dont get your hopes up, met a few pharmacists even big PhamDs who are low on IQ. Couldnt give me the right answers. Best of all are some of the MBAs. Good at bull and excell but no clue about the medicine. Last time I looked science was chemistry, biochemistry, A&P so the bimbo should have had a grip. Who cares anymore their all the same.

Pharm.D. is now entry level degree and is 1 more year than B.S. was. I have a B.S. and have worked with pharmacists with both degrees, and both degrees have their geniuses and their fools. Having the doctorate versus bachelors or masters is not assurance of competence. It merely states you have passed your classes and boards. Remember the joke about what you call the guy who finished last in his class in medical school- Doctor. The same holds true for pharmacists these days as all they put out are "doctors". My physicians and nurses thought I had my doctorate because I could hold my own in a disease-based or medication-based conversation. You need to look at the person and not the degree. Degree is minimum qualification. I do agree though that Merck was respected for their hires many years ago. I know the ones I met in my hospital were definitely impressive to me. Eli Lilly and Pfizer as well, although only Merck and Lily hired science people. Now, probably none do.

You mean in 5 years you're due to move on up? I know reps who are waiting for years,
now getting grey and still not "moved up." Guess they lack the most important proficiency of all...."working he system."

Been here long enough to know this. Talented reps will not be discovered and get "moved up". You must do something extra like self promoting, a**kissing, or whatever. I am not saying it is right. You just have to network, highlight yourself, exaggerate, and do all those to package yourself. It is sad but this is the only way.