I need some advise and help

Don't listen to this same poster above who has posted negative posts everyday. Pharma is still a great career. You just need to do your time in primary care sales and get promoted into speciality/injectable or get into training or marketing. You don't want to stay in primary care too long or else you'll end up being a bitter loser like our "money doesn't matter I'm washing cars for a living with pride" guy .

Spoken like someone who has not had a lot of adversity in this world OR someone who is clueless about what is really going on in the job market today.

Step outside of your comfortable, kiss butt job, and read a little more about the world, instead of getting your information from Fox News or the CNN (Communist News Network).

People are hurting out there.

Don't listen to this same poster above who has posted negative posts everyday. Pharma is still a great career. You just need to do your time in primary care sales and get promoted into speciality/injectable or get into training or marketing. You don't want to stay in primary care too long or else you'll end up being a bitter loser like our "money doesn't matter I'm washing cars for a living with pride" guy .

AnswerMan - may I call you that? I have not posted anything negative. I found your post very interesting as I tried to encourage that poster to go into any other field. Money may be good in Pharma industry for a short time. However, as you well know the supreme court withheld the health care mandate. I was shocked as the SC only has 4 liberals and 5 conservatives.

I don't care what you think of me but it is often times interesting to read your few posts. So, my point is that it is obvious you were upset that I made a point that giving a someone advice about a dying field was not wise. You seem like a descent follow and I sincerely hope you were not mad! Best of luck.

AnswerMan - may I call you that? I have not posted anything negative. I found your post very interesting as I tried to encourage that poster to go into any other field. Money may be good in Pharma industry for a short time. However, as you well know the supreme court withheld the health care mandate. I was shocked as the SC only has 4 liberals and 5 conservatives.

I don't care what you think of me but it is often times interesting to read your few posts. So, my point is that it is obvious you were upset that I made a point that giving a someone advice about a dying field was not wise. You seem like a descent follow and I sincerely hope you were not mad! Best of luck.

You are correct in suggesting that those looking for a career stay out of pharma for many reasons:

1. It is a dying industry, as evidenced by all the layoffs in recent years.

2. Pharma companies do not invest in their people.

3. The upward mobility is not there.

4. This is the most important reason in my honest opinion: the people that are in pharma are not good at sales! These people are mostly good looking and look good on paper and may have good interview skills, but the bottom line is that they can't sell...

so you are going into a situation where you are not going to learn skill sets that are necessary to be successful OR learn skill sets that will help you if you pharma career heads towards another layoff.

So much more to say, but I don't want to bore all of you with a very long post.

Bottom line is find a place that cares about you.

Don't listen to this same poster above who has posted negative posts everyday. Pharma is still a great career. You just need to do your time in primary care sales and get promoted into speciality/injectable or get into training or marketing. You don't want to stay in primary care too long or else you'll end up being a bitter loser like our "money doesn't matter I'm washing cars for a living with pride" guy .

I have a few comments to you. I'm the poster that suggested that is not good advice/wise to tell a 24 yo to go into a field that really has not future. I think that you were upset that I commented about you not giving a fair and balanced view about the reality of pharma. If you think I'm a "...bitter loser..."money doesn't matter I'm washing cars for a living..." I'm fine with that.

I take care of pts. and it is rewarding to me. Money may be important to you but I've done very very well financially because the minute I started working - I saved. I was taught that at a young age. I've posted a few times on this thread but the majority were from other posters.

You also should not be calling any person a "loser" - Why would you ever say that? I never posted that post about going into the healthcare sector. Although I agree with that poster's comments.

Yes, there are still jobs and a job as a drug rep-that's what we are no matter what anyone says, is a pretty good job with good benefits. However, you cannot ignore the fact that it is not what it used to be. The fun is gone, the rules and compliance training are ever present, and politics looms over the entire industry. Additionally, the money is not so much for anyone new or who doesn't move up the ranks fast. My partners salaries are half what mine is due to my tenure. They'll NEVER catch up to the tenured reps with 100k+ base salaries in the spots they're in. If you know what this job entails and want to be a part of it, go for it, but do your research. If you haven't already, spend a day or two with a rep. People think this job is prestigious and pretty easy-it isn't if you take pride in what you do or don't have a lot of humility.

Don't listen to this same poster above who has posted negative posts everyday. Pharma is still a great career. You just need to do your time in primary care sales and get promoted into speciality/injectable or get into training or marketing. You don't want to stay in primary care too long or else you'll end up being a bitter loser like our "money doesn't matter I'm washing cars for a living with pride" guy .

Not to be negative, but I was in injectibles for more than seven years and tried to jump to device, IT or supply and it never happened. They still see acute injectible or specialty pharma as pharma and that's a negative. Once you spend time in pharma, your career is dead and I mean DEAD. No one from any outside company will ever hire you for anything ever again unless it's financial planning, real estate, insurance or car sales. . . and like the others have said, pharma is a dying industry. Do not take a job in pharma. If you are as young as you say, go for a PharmD or PhD or PA and just move on. Yes, you will be in debt but you will enjoy life a lot more with a doctorate and the flexibility you will have with a steady income and job stability. Well, as long as your doctorate is not in philosophy or sociology. The hot jobs are accounting, IT, legal, engineering and healthcare (other than pharma).