I miss

G Finn last place AGAIN. You can't get any lower
In the rankings....

Who ever this is GF owns you. You are his bitch and alway will be. By all your sniveling you have told CF who the real loser is in this pissing contest. If I ever meet Greg and I will I will shake his hand and tell him congrats for getting rid of winers like you!

You have both proven that you have your masters degrees in corporate butt kissing. Now lets see if you have as much talent at selling, which obviously you do not. Both post are current reps or GF himself, that are worried about their jobs in a dwindling market.

Both of you are as bright as a 10 watt bulb. I am a current Cov employee, not a terminated ex employee. That post was obviously GF himself, he is always so focused on "firing people". Karma is a circle. Have a productive week yelling at your employees Greg.

There is more to life than firing someone. Unfortunately thats all that people think about at EBD...