I miss the research lab


i worked in research for 10 years--virology, cancer, animal models. i've been a field rep for the last 10 years and i miss the lab: planning experiments, setting up the plates, pcr, animal dissection, tissue processing, and ultimately the eureka moment of discovery. those were good times.

You might want to count your blessings..the research labs aren't what they used to be. At least not in my department.

Quality has been sacrificed for quantity and the things being demanded of researchers these days at BMS are simply out of control.

5, maybe 6 years ago there was a lot of emphasis on getting data out that was robust. These days "good enough and an n=1" is the rule of the day and the working hours being asked of researchers are simply outrageous. 13-15 hour days are now the norm for most of us...

I'm basically just biding my time until the next round of layoffs where I can collect a fat severance and hopefully find a company that has a lot less stress associated with it.

Yes, research used to be a sacred cow. Now it is a sacrificial lamb. Scientists really have no guidance or motivation anymore. If a study fails, the scientists are the first to get laid off. Plus, a lot of the true research is done in Asia. American scientists just do development while corporate works on the marketing plan. Sad state of affairs.

Sadly, due to the dullards and sub-morons who supposedly "run" R&D, it is looked upon as a "cost center' to be cut, and then shuttered entirely. Oh, but look at the flashy new trend du jour...yup.

R&D. Covered in corpses on the edge of a scorched Connecticut on a burning World in a cruel universe. Enjoy BMS: Wallingford, RIP.

Yes, research used to be a sacred cow. Now it is a sacrificial lamb. Scientists really have no guidance or motivation anymore. If a study fails, the scientists are the first to get laid off. Plus, a lot of the true research is done in Asia. American scientists just do development while corporate works on the marketing plan. Sad state of affairs.

Where have you been? They are cutting Asian employees left and right.