I Miss Genentech


I miss Genentech, the grass isn’t always greener. Thought I was leaving for better and the reality is that DNA was a s still is pretty awesome.

Sure things change, Roche and patent expirations. But Genentech on the decline is better than most others ever hope to be!

I miss Genentech, the grass isn’t always greener. Thought I was leaving for better and the reality is that DNA was a s still is pretty awesome.

Sure things change, Roche and patent expirations. But Genentech on the decline is better than most others ever hope to be!

You are 100% correct, Genentech/Roche is much better than people think. It is evolving into something new. There are other companies out there that are better, but the vast majority are far worse. Wannabe biotechs, faking patient first culture, exclaiming that you are working on a blockbuster and leaders that really have no clue. For those that have left and found a great spot, I think everyone would love to know where that place is.

It's unfortunate that your field is not greener but many of us found ones that are. I was at GNE for many years, (before Roche), and, yes, I miss THAT Genentech but it no longer exists. No company is perfect but I've found a great place that encourages my skills and treats employees with respect. Good luck out there!

EFF Genentech! They mistreat contract workers. People. American people. Who made desicions with family members that they will be accepting a job from what was a reputable company. For them, to find out it was all lies by the recruiters. It was a telemarketing job in Access Solution. A lot of them got fired with no reason. A bunch of sissies making decisions. Just think about this. If they mistreat their contract workers. They’ve already mistreat their patients. Because with their flawed logic. It’s okay. When it’s clearly not. Genentech is a pathetic company.

EFF Genentech! They mistreat contract workers. People. American people. Who made desicions with family members that they will be accepting a job from what was a reputable company. For them, to find out it was all lies by the recruiters. It was a telemarketing job in Access Solution. A lot of them got fired with no reason. A bunch of sissies making decisions. Just think about this. If they mistreat their contract workers. They’ve already mistreat their patients. Because with their flawed logic. It’s okay. When it’s clearly not. Genentech is a pathetic company.
For those of us who work for Genentech, please don’t get us started on the problems with Access Solutions. The fact that it is contract employees speaks volumes because you simply don’t understand the nuances of the business. Nothing against you and I’m sorry you had a bad experience. And your statement that it is a “telemarketing” job speaks volumes as to why it has failed.

For those of us who work for Genentech, please don’t get us started on the problems with Access Solutions. The fact that it is contract employees speaks volumes because you simply don’t understand the nuances of the business. Nothing against you and I’m sorry you had a bad experience. And your statement that it is a “telemarketing” job speaks volumes as to why it has failed.

‘Simply don’t understand the nuances of business’. I agreed with most of your points until this statement. I’m not going to posture on what I’ve done in my life before I worked at Genentech to justify your statement. So I’ll just say that Genentech will be a failure for that very reason. No comprehension. You guys are out of touch. And hopefully, the biosimilars and genetics kicks your asses so hard. Genentech and Roche will be an after thought.

‘Simply don’t understand the nuances of business’. I agreed with most of your points until this statement. I’m not going to posture on what I’ve done in my life before I worked at Genentech to justify your statement. So I’ll just say that Genentech will be a failure for that very reason. No comprehension. You guys are out of touch. And hopefully, the biosimilars and genetics kicks your asses so hard. Genentech and Roche will be an after thought.

As bad as Access Solutions is its way worse at other companies. I think ultimately it’s an industry issue. As a patient who has actually used Access Solutions and other companies offerings I know first hand how good and bad some of these services are. I’ve also worked in the industry for 25 years so I think I have a pretty good perspective. Like I said patient support services across the industry are sub standard.

It's unfortunate that your field is not greener but many of us found ones that are. I was at GNE for many years, (before Roche), and, yes, I miss THAT Genentech but it no longer exists. No company is perfect but I've found a great place that encourages my skills and treats employees with respect. Good luck out there!
Totally agree!

As bad as Access Solutions is its way worse at other companies. I think ultimately it’s an industry issue. As a patient who has actually used Access Solutions and other companies offerings I know first hand how good and bad some of these services are. I’ve also worked in the industry for 25 years so I think I have a pretty good perspective. Like I said patient support services across the industry are sub standard.

That’s not the point. Access Solution is a reflection of the CEO locally or the Swiss. side of Roche has been living on their reputation for so long that you guys are so blind not to see the rug being pulled under you. But then again sell outs talk out of their ass for pay. You even said that was the culmination of the failure. Access Solution is Genentech. The lack of collaboration. The dmugness of Genentech in full display from inadequate training to weak leadership. I’ll say this. Every dude I met in Access Solution was gay or bisexual. I know from the rainbow flags and Raider signs on their cubicles. Ridiculous.

That’s not the point. Access Solution is a reflection of the CEO locally or the Swiss. side of Roche has been living on their reputation for so long that you guys are so blind not to see the rug being pulled under you. But then again sell outs talk out of their ass for pay. You even said that was the culmination of the failure. Access Solution is Genentech. The lack of collaboration. The dmugness of Genentech in full display from inadequate training to weak leadership. I’ll say this. Every dude I met in Access Solution was gay or bisexual. I know from the rainbow flags and Raider signs on their cubicles. Ridiculous.

Well you just added so much credibility with your homophobia.

I miss Genentech, the grass isn’t always greener. Thought I was leaving for better and the reality is that DNA was a s still is pretty awesome.

Sure things change, Roche and patent expirations. But Genentech on the decline is better than most others ever hope to be!
I left after many years, over 15, and I think the good Genentech has been gone for years. I found a company that brought the fun back to the job. I think Genentech, BMS, Merck Novartis etc., are all the same. Good products but no respect for employees. Yes they all pay well, not a bad life but, you/we, are just a number. Do realize, you are under paid at Genentech compared to elsewhere and, you don't have more security like you think.

I worked for J Johnson then K Ray, now someone else. I have seen this company go from great to bad. JJ brought in some under performing people to be managers just because they would do what he said, CS and DC. They bring nothing to the table but, they are good yes men. It's always been interesting to me that your thoughts hurt you here. You are tagged as negative for trying to help. Time to look elsewhere and protect myself.

You just said something everyone knows but is afraid to say. Nothing is going to change, you now work for a pharma company, not biotech. Speak the message, check the box and move on.

If anyone thinks Genentech is better than where they are, they probably went to the wrong place. I agree that GNE is nowhere the same GNE it was before. People tend to remember more positives about the past, when a company doesn't deserve it. I can't begin to name the number of HR violations from sh***y, managers and decisions. Or people (ICs included) who are moved when they should have been fired.

The great place to work is long gone-lavish gifts, offsites, expensing expensive dinners and team celebrations...heck, even one dude would so noticeably find an excuse to expense as many meals and edibles on campus as he can get away with everyday.

Don't miss Genentech too much!

Absolutely accurate. A lot of people have been quietly fired, or have left to serious increases in salary. This company is “inclusive” only if you are gay or a minority.

Correction. I’m a minority but a Conservative. Gene has fired minorities who are Conservative. I’m not racial, but not oblivious that we all come in all shades. I do not subscribe to hating ‘white’ people like the people on the left who play identity politics. But the ones that do. I’ve seen ‘white’ liberal people hate minorities for being conservative. There is no diversity at the top. It’s for the elitist. So if your ‘gay’ and in these position. Guess what? That person is usually ‘white’. Diversity Shmiversity. All BS.