I lOVE FO, PS and KK

Just wait until you see the micromanging she has rolled out for 2015. I bet you will change your views.

Micromanaging is one thing. She's just a sad person who finds enjoyment in screwing people rather than working with them. And it all stems from a lack of self esteem and the constant need to always be right. In her world approval from Perry is all that matters and she doesn't care who she steps on along the way. What a sad individual, who has no life.

Micromanaging is one thing. She's just a sad person who finds enjoyment in screwing people rather than working with them. And it all stems from a lack of self esteem and the constant need to always be right. In her world approval from Perry is all that matters and she doesn't care who she steps on along the way. What a sad individual, who has no life.

Call me delusional, but how has she screwed the reps this year?

Agree. I can't see how she has screwed the reps yet other than the lack of bonus for 2013 when the rest of the company received one. But that falls on the shoulders of PS and FO

Stay with me here. KK and PS are purposefully keeping the sales force fat, drunk and happy. They have every intention of streamlining costs internally and have done so with the field as well. Notice the last round of POA meetings in New Orleans & Chicago were on the cheap? Its all part of the plan to keep you pushing (and you will be pushing with higher goals, more micromanaging oversight and activity metrics being slammed down your throat) while they make our company as profitable as possible to find potential buyers for either the NSBU or the whole company. Mark my words its all coming down in 2015. Ask anyone from Chesterbrook and while you are at it ask them about the impression Kathy has made there with her antics. She does not like people and when she joins you for dinner or rides in the field its only to add to her count of field interactions for her slide.

So while they are smiling at you and buttering you up on how great the sales force is remember that you are being marinated for a big BBQ later next year. You are all expendable and they are banking on it, literally.

And why shouldn't they? Let them get rid of the slackers and the rest benefit. All the whining about what they did in the past is just that. Those of us who know our jobs will be fine

And why shouldn't they? Let them get rid of the slackers and the rest benefit. All the whining about what they did in the past is just that. Those of us who know our jobs will be fine

Ha! Nice try. Kathy doesn't know shit about leadership. Her routine is intimidation and she can't handle a discussion unless there is a script in front of her. Not much thinking capacity there and she is intimidated by anyone who has a clue. And thats most people compared to her.

And why shouldn't they? Let them get rid of the slackers and the rest benefit. All the whining about what they did in the past is just that. Those of us who know our jobs will be fine

Just for your information the "past" is as recent this last year and it is what has made Shire what it is before any B&L people came on board. As a matter of fact the last time Vyvanse actually grew and not followed the market increase was last year's back to school when previous leadership had the reigns. PS & KK haven't delivered anything other than low morale, declining growth and price increases which makes the sales look better than they are. Its all smoke and mirrors.

Amen! There has been no "high-performance" here despite all of the havoc and culture of mistrust. All price increases and cost-cutting. Anyone that figures this out or questions their incredible lack of ethics is shown the door.

Make sure you save your "kickers," you'll need them.

Please, just leave Shire if you hate so much. Don't get it why you keep working for a company you hate.

Why? After all this is the company that my colleagues and I have built to where it is now. I don't hate the company but I do hate three particular people who do not represent this company one bit. Should the whole company or BU leave because PS and KK have managed dismantle it in less than a year? It's a lot easier to hang here and collect a paycheck until FO and his two cling-ons are shown the door - and they will be one day. Until then, I will do the minimum, act like I care what they say or think and grab with both hands until a new leader who can provide some true leadership and direction arrives. Shire itself is stronger than these idiots.

You must be a B+L robot or maybe even the Asperger's VP of sales herself responding here. If it is her the let me say, "You suck KK" If not maybe you can pass the message along, but I'm sure she already knows it. No one is onboard with her or PS.

Please, just leave Shire if you hate so much. Don't get it why you keep working for a company you hate.

You would love to replace me with a brain dead KK follower. Nope I would rather watch you squirm at the meeting trying to convince myself and others like me that you actually earned your position and have a brain

So after the missile was delivered on the commercial ops people, is there anyone who has any trust at all for these "leaders"? And before some hillbilly from the field answers that "everything is great here with us, we're expanding and getting bonus kickers" you better think about why that is and if they are willing to gut the internal infrastructure so drastically, who is going to support 500 people in the field moving forward? Look at what a cluster 'F the call plan has been this quarter.

Oh thats right, we won't need 500 people by Q2.

So after the missile was delivered on the commercial ops people, is there anyone who has any trust at all for these "leaders"? And before some hillbilly from the field answers that "everything is great here with us, we're expanding and getting bonus kickers" you better think about why that is and if they are willing to gut the internal infrastructure so drastically, who is going to support 500 people in the field moving forward? Look at what a cluster 'F the call plan has been this quarter.

Oh thats right, we won't need 500 people by Q2.

I don't know why you think the field is happy with this leadership. We are just as unhappy and distrustful of this leadership as everyone else. At least everyone I've talke to about it is. We're all in this together and those in the field haven't been happy with the internal changes either or the changes to the day to day job in the "field force." Not to mention-this leadership connects with nobody. When is the last time anybody in the field heard from PS and KK? Not that I want to but it's a clear indication that they are disconnected

I don't know why you think the field is happy with this leadership. We are just as unhappy and distrustful of this leadership as everyone else. At least everyone I've talke to about it is. We're all in this together and those in the field haven't been happy with the internal changes either or the changes to the day to day job in the "field force." Not to mention-this leadership connects with nobody. When is the last time anybody in the field heard from PS and KK? Not that I want to but it's a clear indication that they are disconnected

We hear from KK ad PS on a weekly basis. KK continues to push down insane tasks.

So after the missile was delivered on the commercial ops people, is there anyone who has any trust at all for these "leaders"? And before some hillbilly from the field answers that "everything is great here with us, we're expanding and getting bonus kickers" you better think about why that is and if they are willing to gut the internal infrastructure so drastically, who is going to support 500 people in the field moving forward? Look at what a cluster 'F the call plan has been this quarter.

Oh thats right, we won't need 500 people by Q2.

This "hillbilly" from the field wants to know who the fuck you have been talking to think that the salesforce is happy with these so called leaders.

I don't know why you think the field is happy with this leadership. We are just as unhappy and distrustful of this leadership as everyone else. At least everyone I've talke to about it is. We're all in this together and those in the field haven't been happy with the internal changes either or the changes to the day to day job in the "field force." Not to mention-this leadership connects with nobody. When is the last time anybody in the field heard from PS and KK? Not that I want to but it's a clear indication that they are disconnected

Speak for yourself. "We're all in this together"? What the hell do you think this is? This is a business, not a damn hippie love fest. No I'm not KK or a manager. I don't drink the Kool-Aid or anything else. I'm a rep just like you. I do my job, I get a real nice paycheck, and I drive a free car around. What the hell do you want? You entitled morons who think you speak for all of us in the field are so annoying. Why don't you just shut up and do your job. I'm sorry you're not happy here, but if that's the case why don't you go somewhere else? There are lots of jobs out there. Go somewhere that you'll be happy. i like it here. If you don't you've got a couple options: go somewhere else or shut the hell up, do your job, make a lot of money, and quit bitching about everything.

As far as communication goes, you do realize that PS is like 4 or 5 levels above you right? And that he has responsibility for all Neuroscience across the globe? Would you like him to call you every day to answer the stupid questions you can find answers to in Navigator yourself? Maybe read you a bedtime story at night? Ever heard of a chain of command? And how, specifically, has KK done you wrong? I'm better off now than I was a year ago. And I bet you are too. So just do us all a favor and shut up.