Make that....
Now bend over and bark Amarin puppy
Now bend over and bark Amarin puppy
Please someone advise me......should I accept the Amarin position or home health care position?
Cash is king you moron. Do you understand the importance of cash? Do you understand the relationship to stock price? Do you understand how your horrific leadership team and your unimaginable lack of sales impact affect your stock price. Do you understand that the stock price determines resources both capital and human? Do you understand the relationship between stock price and the ability to keep the lights on? Do you understand that the meager 30 extra scripts a month do not pay the bills? Sustainable growth = rise in stock equals cash Amarin's case, leveraging to the hilt = cash. THe lights are flickering young un...the bills are not being paid except with notes. Notes come due, the furniture goes back. How many floors do wqe have at HQ now, half?
Please go back to high school and take a consumer ed course. I'd say go take a college econ class but Amarin on your resume will blacklist you...standards you know, and they want cash too, not financial aid suckers.
enjoy your evening simpleton