I left GENENTECH because ....


At No. 2, Genentech boasted breakthrough research milestones this year in retinal vein occlusion, multiple sclerosis, spinal muscular atrophy, lymphoma and influenza in young children. Genentech has forged successful partnerships as well. In September, BioSpace reported its deal with Arsenal Biosciences, a multi-year collaboration to identify critical success circuits in T cell-based therapies for solid tumors.

and what was this suppose to do?

I left because the leadership doesnt listen to any feedback and surprisingly was under paid - that's the reward you get for staying a long time at Genentech, yes you get a sabbatical but who wants to be underpaid. I'm paid well, dont have to deal with shitty management and hiring a team of folks I thoroughly enjoy working with! You don't need to stay and tolerate a toxic workplace there are options out there just take the leap its worth it. Better work life balance and you don't have to balance 20 priorities. Good luck to my friends that are still there. It was an awesome place to work several years ago, times have changed.
Exactly, so glad I left. No I don’t have sabbatical where I am but I’m paid better, the culture is amazing, and I like the people.

I was in Oncology and left 3 years ago. when I started, It was a great place to work but then the backstabbing started. It became all about who's ass you were kissing rather than doing your job. I thought DNA was the best place in the industry but had to leave. My position now is even better. The company I am with seems like DNA in the early 2000's. Good products, good people, they listen to you, they aren't about this woke stuff and they pay well. I hate to say it but Genentech is a company that everyone looked up to and now they laugh at and they aren't given a second thought. DNA has become irrelevant in oncology which is crazy to even say. Sad, poor management, diversity over patients and science, profits over employees.

Sad, poor management, diversity over patients and science, profits over employees.

Hit the nail on the head.

They stopped caring when the current model was put into place. Diversity and minority hires are the top priority. Doesn't matter if it's the best candidate, just the right demographic.

95% of HD's are incompetent. Mine doesn't have a clue about the market she is in.

No one cares about employees. It's all about appearances. NSM is going to be a total clown show. Just wait to see what's coming....many more will leave.

Why I left? Because I could not find a reason to stay. As a long time gene employee, the big severance just made the decision so much easier. I put it in the stock market right before it surged in 2020. It made the decision look even smarter. Thanks AH and QH for the encouragement too.

I was in Oncology and left 3 years ago. when I started, It was a great place to work but then the backstabbing started. It became all about who's ass you were kissing rather than doing your job. I thought DNA was the best place in the industry but had to leave. My position now is even better. The company I am with seems like DNA in the early 2000's. Good products, good people, they listen to you, they aren't about this woke stuff and they pay well. I hate to say it but Genentech is a company that everyone looked up to and now they laugh at and they aren't given a second thought. DNA has become irrelevant in oncology which is crazy to even say. Sad, poor management, diversity over patients and science, profits over employees.

#Me too! Not the DEI version either, LOL!

Agreed, it was great for a long time. Things change, had to go.

I left because I was an old white guy.

This company is the most age-ist company I have ever been associated with. If you are a conservative white male you are considered a neanderthal that contributes nothing. Hopefully a Class Action Lawsuit will get their attention. It's long over due.

Genentech does not value older tenured employees of either of the two sexes. Yes I said "two". Male or Female it doesn't matter. If you are over 55 you might as well pack it in before they start tactically driving you out. It only takes a couple or more to get the ball rolling on a class action. Sign me up.