I left GENENTECH because ....


Because the Head of USMA was just out of control thinking she has JF eatting out of her palm/wrapped around her finger! She gave zero latitude to make any decisions for me and my team bc she wants to control everything and has little to no confidence in the people she has hired under her. Her one on ones with her staff and skip levels consist of her pinning people against each other, asking who they think is competent or isn't competent, creating division amongst collegeaues and between managers and direct reports and trying to take over field medical bc she wants to control it all. Her leadership style is by ruling with FEAR and using communication and language as a crux to get away with the inappropriate comments she makes to team members to put them down or be dismissive. I've never in my whole career have worked for someone so inconsiderate, rude and has such a blantent disregard for company culture and day by day destroying what used to make Genentech such a wonderful place to work.

JF if you plan on sticking around for longer, remove the wool over your eyes, and really ask yourself - is this VP bringing your organization together truely? is she inspiring and motivating the teams below her to flourish? is she even thinking about or completing the required D&I trainings? Because her actions are certainly not lining up to what is being expected of Genentech employees which makes people wonder if that behavior is tolerated at the TOP why does anyone else need to abide. She needs some serious executive coaching if you plan to having her continue to lead these teams!

I thought long and hard before I decided to post this because I think people externally even considering joining this organization should know what they are getting themselves into. Genentech is no longer the place it used to be, but from my colleagues who still work there I've heard even their external postings for new roles are barely attracting talent so I guess word is in fact getting around. So unfortunate for a company with such great potential and a great pipeline of assets falling apart like this.


Wow- this is so true!!! I felt like I could have written the same thing. A once great place destroyed by horrible so called leaders. Keeping people like KH who was horrific in oncology and having him lead a bigger team was an example of how poor her judgement was. And then he picked the people under him that no one wanted to work for. Why???? Because he was a clueless, ego driven, narcissist who should have been cut loose along with others like PH. I could go on and on but I'm sure they all know who they are. The good leaders left when they saw what was coming. Did anyone ever ask JF if she was proud that 80% of her field leadership team left? Is that a sign of being a successful leader??? Normal people would say no but Cool-aid drinking losers from the low-IQ San Fran city would say yes. San Fran has been destroyed by the Democrats just like GNE has been destroyed by poor leadership.

Because the Head of USMA was just out of control thinking she has JF eatting out of her palm/wrapped around her finger! She gave zero latitude to make any decisions for me and my team bc she wants to control everything and has little to no confidence in the people she has hired under her. Her one on ones with her staff and skip levels consist of her pinning people against each other, asking who they think is competent or isn't competent, creating division amongst collegeaues and between managers and direct reports and trying to take over field medical bc she wants to control it all. Her leadership style is by ruling with FEAR and using communication and language as a crux to get away with the inappropriate comments she makes to team members to put them down or be dismissive. I've never in my whole career have worked for someone so inconsiderate, rude and has such a blantent disregard for company culture and day by day destroying what used to make Genentech such a wonderful place to work.

JF if you plan on sticking around for longer, remove the wool over your eyes, and really ask yourself - is this VP bringing your organization together truely? is she inspiring and motivating the teams below her to flourish? is she even thinking about or completing the required D&I trainings? Because her actions are certainly not lining up to what is being expected of Genentech employees which makes people wonder if that behavior is tolerated at the TOP why does anyone else need to abide. She needs some serious executive coaching if you plan to having her continue to lead these teams!

I thought long and hard before I decided to post this because I think people externally even considering joining this organization should know what they are getting themselves into. Genentech is no longer the place it used to be, but from my colleagues who still work there I've heard even their external postings for new roles are barely attracting talent so I guess word is in fact getting around. So unfortunate for a company with such great potential and a great pipeline of assets falling apart like this.

Wowwwwwowowowowwwwww!!! Truth bombs all over the place here!!! Working in the network has become so toxic. I am so glad people are FINALLY talking about this issue!

I’m so confused why are we talking about JF (she) when JF(he) is the problem. She’s been gone for what feels like forever and while we didn’t think it could get worse, RS is the most pathetic excuse of leadership I’ve ever witnessed. If you left before experiencing the R shit show consider yourself lucky. I think there’s many that would leave but pay and benefits keep us hanging onto a hope that things will turn around. I also never experienced what you referenced about JF but at least you could have a conversation with her about something other than Ted Lasso or herself. This self centered prick we are dealing with now is nauseating.

Because the Head of USMA was just out of control thinking she has JF eatting out of her palm/wrapped around her finger! She gave zero latitude to make any decisions for me and my team bc she wants to control everything and has little to no confidence in the people she has hired under her. Her one on ones with her staff and skip levels consist of her pinning people against each other, asking who they think is competent or isn't competent, creating division amongst collegeaues and between managers and direct reports and trying to take over field medical bc she wants to control it all. Her leadership style is by ruling with FEAR and using communication and language as a crux to get away with the inappropriate comments she makes to team members to put them down or be dismissive. I've never in my whole career have worked for someone so inconsiderate, rude and has such a blantent disregard for company culture and day by day destroying what used to make Genentech such a wonderful place to work.

JF if you plan on sticking around for longer, remove the wool over your eyes, and really ask yourself - is this VP bringing your organization together truely? is she inspiring and motivating the teams below her to flourish? is she even thinking about or completing the required D&I trainings? Because her actions are certainly not lining up to what is being expected of Genentech employees which makes people wonder if that behavior is tolerated at the TOP why does anyone else need to abide. She needs some serious executive coaching if you plan to having her continue to lead these teams!

I thought long and hard before I decided to post this because I think people externally even considering joining this organization should know what they are getting themselves into. Genentech is no longer the place it used to be, but from my colleagues who still work there I've heard even their external postings for new roles are barely attracting talent so I guess word is in fact getting around. So unfortunate for a company with such great potential and a great pipeline of assets falling apart like this.

I think this person is referring up NY and JF (he)? Some of the commets line up with what I have seen and heard in the home office. Genentech has become such a sad place to work with a toxic culture and totally overworked and under appreciated people. Im hearing many are considering leaving but its year end so no one wants to leave any $$$ on the table and those that have left are actively poaching our current talent. Just sad to watch.

I left because the leadership doesnt listen to any feedback and surprisingly was under paid - that's the reward you get for staying a long time at Genentech, yes you get a sabbatical but who wants to be underpaid. I'm paid well, dont have to deal with shitty management and hiring a team of folks I thoroughly enjoy working with! You don't need to stay and tolerate a toxic workplace there are options out there just take the leap its worth it. Better work life balance and you don't have to balance 20 priorities. Good luck to my friends that are still there. It was an awesome place to work several years ago, times have changed.

Not that they care but Jaime and Alexander clean your house please!

Seriously I agree please Jamie & Alexander please take a critical look at your senior leaders!! They are not inspiring or building cohesiveness within the organization. The GEOS survey next year will be interesting people seem really fed up!

Another one bites the dust!! What is going on with Oncology MSL team they have been bleeding people the good ones keep leaving while the terrible leaders stay destroying the culture, seems like its a field and home office problem. We don't even have a forum to tell any competent senior leader what's going on because this house is rotting from the top down. :eek:

I’ve had it with leaders/manager talk about their own Psychological safety when people speak up.

if you are in LT, you have power. At Genentech, you misuse your power to bully and threaten people - creating initiatives like outsourcing work to Ashfield.

You can’t then play victim and say you don’t have psychological safety. B*tch please.

This IC plan is horrible, that is why I left.. on the low end I would of lost 20k a year..

QUOTE="anonymous, post: 6727492"]Seriously I agree please Jamie & Alexander please take a critical look at your senior leaders!! They are not inspiring or building cohesiveness within the organization. The GEOS survey next year will be interesting people seem really fed up![/QUOTE]


At No. 2, Genentech boasted breakthrough research milestones this year in retinal vein occlusion, multiple sclerosis, spinal muscular atrophy, lymphoma and influenza in young children. Genentech has forged successful partnerships as well. In September, BioSpace reported its deal with Arsenal Biosciences, a multi-year collaboration to identify critical success circuits in T cell-based therapies for solid tumors.