I&I- Xeljanz gone, Derm & BS 30%


Inside rumor in I&I is Xeljanz will be 100% collapsed completely with more KAMs & FMDs calling on top acts the last couple yrs of LOE and Publicus Virtual Contract Reps calling on rest.

Derm 30% cut
Bio Similar 10%

Latest this week and a lot moving parts with IM 3,500 reps involved in this puzzle


Inside rumor in I&I is Xeljanz will be 100% collapsed completely with more KAMs & FMDs calling on top acts the last couple yrs of LOE and Publicus Virtual Contract Reps calling on rest.

Derm 30% cut
Bio Similar 10%

Latest this week and a lot moving parts with IM 3,500 reps involved in this puzzle

not true...sorry

Even a clean label, only 30 months left w 300 reps making 150k pop.
Anybody whose been around Pfizer for 15yrs knows the old but tried & proven model of 3yrs pre LOE on 1 product divisions!
Bye bye....
50% cut now
25% more 1yr prior
All gone by loe

Even a clean label, only 30 months left w 300 reps making 150k pop.
Anybody whose been around Pfizer for 15yrs knows the old but tried & proven model of 3yrs pre LOE on 1 product divisions!
Bye bye....
50% cut now
25% more 1yr prior
All gone by loe

surely you’ve seen the Derm Pipeline?? Ie... it’s not a 1 product division, tho doubt that’s gonna save head count as this new model appears to cut right at 70% of sales force with 15-20 % of that number to be backfilled with a combination of credentialed (pharmD...) and virtual Reps. Maybe I’m wrong but that’s sure looking to be the case with leaderships crypto messages they so transparently spew to us.

I think every part of the business will be affected by this. But if you are at Pfizer right now, logic would tell you to be

1. where there are products in the pipeline, especially in Ph 2, Ph 3 and registration.
“25 in 5”

2. where the R&D $$$ are being allocated.
Those places are
Medical Derm
Rare Disease

3. where there are large markets for those products and business units
SE United States
Maybe California just not sure about the craziness there.

4. xfactor - where there are not a lot of institutions but more brick and mortar HCP accounts.

Just an observation

surely you’ve seen the Derm Pipeline?? Ie... it’s not a 1 product division, tho doubt that’s gonna save head count as this new model appears to cut right at 70% of sales force with 15-20 % of that number to be backfilled with a combination of credentialed (pharmD...) and virtual Reps. Maybe I’m wrong but that’s sure looking to be the case with leaderships crypto messages they so transparently spew to us.
The Derm division is a joke

Well maybe to you but not to Pfizer. At least 3 molecules in the next 4 years. No competition in that will be 1st to treat diseases indicated. Life long therapy and $$$ per year to be on. So whatever.
the joke is we are thinking that it’s May 2020 when it’s really May 2021 and everyone has moved in with their lives.

Well maybe to you but not to Pfizer. At least 3 molecules in the next 4 years. No competition in that will be 1st to treat diseases indicated. Life long therapy and $$$ per year to be on. So whatever.
the joke is we are thinking that it’s May 2020 when it’s really May 2021 and everyone has moved in with their lives.
Sorry to burst you hopes of "no layoffs" but PHASE 1 & 2 compounds more than 3-4yrs out!
Earliest 6 yrs.
Good luck you but kudos for your naive hopes. Come over to KAM as this is the new generation of live pharma representation (KAMs & Medical) for top 25% that drive 80% of sales and Contract Sales Virtual Reps for other 75% that drive only 20% of business.

New Normal in New Pharma. Industry learned a lot w Covid shutdown how to make more profit with less overhead

Ahh just had pipeline review.
9 compounds in Phase 2 (2023-24)
1 in Phase 3 (2022)
1 in registration (Aug 2021)
We also learned how to do clinical trials pretty fast in a COVID world w the vaccine.

even if 1/3 of them make it to registration that will be unbelievable.

This is an awesome time to be in Derm.

I’ve worked with Kams and FMDs etc. Good people but they don’t sell ... they tell. And when u have said competition with their foot on your neck I just don’t see them fighting it out like it has to be done in order to win in the market. Just saying.

Ahh just had pipeline review.
9 compounds in Phase 2 (2023-24)
1 in Phase 3 (2022)
1 in registration (Aug 2021)
We also learned how to do clinical trials pretty fast in a COVID world w the vaccine.

even if 1/3 of them make it to registration that will be unbelievable.

This is an awesome time to be in Derm.
Soooo what is your favorite Koolaid flavor? During this pandemic you obviously have been drinking plenty of it!