I Hope You Are Sitting Down for This One


If you bought $1000 worth of Aytu stock on Jan 2, 2020, it is worth $6.85 today. During this time, there was an Adderall and Ritalin shortage. Aytu had drug supply for their ADHD meds and should have done very well. But instead, the company lost 99% of its value. Does anyone know how GP still has his job?

If you bought $1000 worth of Aytu stock on Jan 2, 2020, it is worth $6.85 today. During this time, there was an Adderall and Ritalin shortage. Aytu had drug supply for their ADHD meds and should have done very well. But instead, the company lost 99% of its value. Does anyone know how GP still has his job?
If yous bought $1000 worth of Aytu shorts on Jan 2, 2020, it is worth $690,796.85 today.

Can you believe the stuff TC and GP spewed in these calls? Dusted off the same slides from 2023 and 2024 meetings, changed the dates and hoped we wouldn't notice.

The next original thought these clowns have will be their first

Can you believe the stuff TC and GP spewed in these calls? Dusted off the same slides from 2023 and 2024 meetings, changed the dates and hoped we wouldn't notice.

The next original thought these clowns have will be their first
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over again and expecting a different result. This company has no future. Its just a money grab for a couple of the execs

Can you believe the stuff TC and GP spewed in these calls? Dusted off the same slides from 2023 and 2024 meetings, changed the dates and hoped we wouldn't notice.

The next original thought these clowns have will be their first
I love how GP speaks with such authority and his puppy TCock acts like he’s listening to Steve Jobs roll out the iPhone ‍♂️

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over again and expecting a different result. This company has no future. Its just a money grab for a couple of the execs
JD and the Board was sued claiming that they benefited themselves at the expense of the Aytu shareholders. Today there was a settlement hearing in Delaware. They may have to include new independent directors to the Aytu board to keep an eye on them. As the post said above, this company is about a money grab. In just 5 years, the stock has dropped 99%, and GP is still running the business strategy

JD keeps firing people to decrease expenses and we still can’t make money because of GP’s copay program. We had 175 people when I started in 2021 and now we have only 102. There’s no future here

JD keeps firing people to decrease expenses and we still can’t make money because of GP’s copay program. We had 175 people when I started in 2021 and now we have only 102. There’s no future here
Definitely true! We are in trouble! People are leaving and they are not being replaced. There are no jobs being posted on our website.