I hope upper mgmt realizes no one in NYC/LI corporate are working

DM here: There have been many anecdotal reports of sexual activity ON THE PREMISES ON COMPANY TIME. Your post indicates you obtained sexual favors off premises, but was it on company time? We management do not condone BJs during work hrs as it has been found to lead to sloppy work habits and jealousy from co workers, including the female uplines. Please keep posts like this off the website.

Whoever is posting this stuff, you're my hero/heroine.

Whoever is posting this stuff, you're my hero/heroine.

Company Monitor: It was not meant to be a frivolous post by a DM, as illicit sexual activity AT COMPANY LOCATIONS ON COMPANY TIME, as the DM states, is a real hit on employee productivity when it gets out of hand (no pun intended). Frankly management does not have a quick 'fix' for this situation; as some uplines are in fact guilty (but would never admit). Management may have to engage HR to find a solution, be it at the supply (BJee) side or the demand (BJer) side, or for that matter both sides.

Company Monitor: It was not meant to be a frivolous post by a DM, as illicit sexual activity AT COMPANY LOCATIONS ON COMPANY TIME, as the DM states, is a real hit on employee productivity when it gets out of hand (no pun intended). Frankly management does not have a quick 'fix' for this situation; as some uplines are in fact guilty (but would never admit). Management may have to engage HR to find a solution, be it at the supply (BJee) side or the demand (BJer) side, or for that matter both sides.

What da mean by illicit sexual activity? What activity is permitted?