I have tried to stay positive, but


I have been around enough to know that what we have had here at Merck Vaccines has been good. The grass is not always greener. I have always tried to see through the lens of Senior Leadership and visualize their goals, challenges, and limitations while giving them the benefit of the doubt.

I am well aware that many times field sales has no idea how much we are being looked out for. But I really have lost all trust. I look at Todd and Julie, but mostly Todd while watching these awards and I am more cynical and jaded, than I ever thought I could be.

I truly have no faith that Todd has one ounce of sincerity in his body.


I have been around enough to know that what we have had here at Merck Vaccines has been good. The grass is not always greener. I have always tried to see through the lens of Senior Leadership and visualize their goals, challenges, and limitations while giving them the benefit of the doubt.

I am well aware that many times field sales has no idea how much we are being looked out for. But I really have lost all trust. I look at Todd and Julie, but mostly Todd while watching these awards and I am more cynical and jaded, than I ever thought I could be.

I truly have no faith that Todd has one ounce of sincerity in his body.

You don't need to look through their lens. You need to do what you're told. No one here ever asked you to "look through senior leaderships lens". Put down the lens and get back to work. We all can't be chiefs. You have a extremely small say. I can assure you that you don't have a vote. I did not know senior leadership need to explain their vision to 78,000 people on a quarterly basis. The problem is you think they do.

You don't need to look through their lens. You need to do what you're told. No one here ever asked you to "look through senior leaderships lens". Put down the lens and get back to work. We all can't be chiefs. You have a extremely small say. I can assure you that you don't have a vote. I did not know senior leadership need to explain their vision to 78,000 people on a quarterly basis. The problem is you think they do.

Please D.I.D.

You don't need to look through their lens. You need to do what you're told. No one here ever asked you to "look through senior leaderships lens". Put down the lens and get back to work. We all can't be chiefs. You have a extremely small say. I can assure you that you don't have a vote. I did not know senior leadership need to explain their vision to 78,000 people on a quarterly basis. The problem is you think they do.

Lots of anger there, bud. The "f*ck the lowly worker" concept you are pushing is a stale one, and is a great indicator of a company in really deep doo-doo. You really think a disengaged, demoralized workforce is good for the bottom line? Take a look around. Merck is in a world of hurt right now. Due in no small part to the kind of attitude you have displayed in your post. This is exactly the type of arrogant, disconnected "leadership" philosophy that has led to Merck's downfall.