I Have 2 Opportunities...(New to the industry)

If you want to spend your day picking up lunch at Panera Bread, then taking it to a doctors office where a bunch of fat office workers berate you because they wanted something different and more expensive, wait for docs to come in grab a sandwich and either leave or smirk when you try to talk about Januvia, a 12 year old drug, go for it. The doc will roll his eyes when you bring up Belsomra, which they all hate, or laugh out loud when you tell him or her you have a new 4th entry into the market, SGLT2. Then, they will rush off before they even sign your stupid sign in sheet. You will get a manger that everyone hates, has favorites, and will make your life miserable if they don’t like you. Merck has many of these managers on the east coast. They lie, cheat, and will do whatever they need to to try to get ahead. The job is a joke and Merck could get rid of all the PC reps and the numbers won’t change. There will no longer be reps in a few years, maybe just on a contract basis. Oh, and if you have a poor driving record, forget it. Merck will fire you after 12 points in their own internal point system, just for speed camera violations. They are everywhere on the east coast. It’s a great job.

If you want to spend your day picking up lunch at Panera Bread, then taking it to a doctors office where a bunch of fat office workers berate you because they wanted something different...

Well my decision has been made for me; my driving record is so horrendous that I couldn’t be a valet boy. There are a ton of speed cameras on the west coast as well.

I’m interviewing with an industrial tech company as well- hopefully that experience can facilitate a migration into healthcare.