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I Hate this Company


I just needed to get that off my chest.

A--holes in management, from my pathetic excuse for a CTL all the way up to the felons that are stealing this company's millions as they sh!tcan the rest of us.

FU MERCK. A--holes.


I just needed to get that off my chest.

A--holes in management, from my pathetic excuse for a CTL all the way up to the felons that are stealing this company's millions as they sh!tcan the rest of us.

FU MERCK. A--holes.

Really, did we actually need another new thread restating exactly what you say on the other 20 threads about how terrible Merck is as a company. Can't you limit your disgust to threads that are already in agreement with your opinion? this thread says nothing I don't read every time I visit CP. I'm not saying you are wrong but seriously...

Really, did we actually need another new thread restating exactly what you say on the other 20 threads about how terrible Merck is as a company. Can't you limit your disgust to threads that are already in agreement with your opinion? this thread says nothing I don't read every time I visit CP. I'm not saying you are wrong but seriously...

Well, given the huge number of folks on here that feel exactly the way the OP does...you cannot have too many threads about it. It's the truth. Merck's corporate culture has ruined tens of thousands of lives. And it will ruin tens of thousands more, before all is said and done. And we're not even talking about the yearly layoff spectacle, which is now a proud/glorious company tradition. There is so much more to it. Hiding the truth from their employees. Hiding the truth from shareholders. Coddling senior leadership that has instituted one failed policy after another. Assigning process to make up for lack of vision. Stifling innovation. Pitting employee against employee in an annual game of dog-eat-dog. Executives and VPs driving their so-called "values" through fear and retribution, instead of encouraging teamwork and free flow of thought/ideas. It is a total cluster-f@&k. And that's putting it gently. So you can understand, and perhaps even forgive, if there is a new thread about it once in a while. ;-)

Why, do you really come to CP to read how "great" Merck is?

I can vouch for your description of the situation. Its the most demotivating company to work in and one has to lack integrity to continue to work there. There is a lack of ethics in that environment for sure.

Well, given the huge number of folks on here that feel exactly the way the OP does...you cannot have too many threads about it. It's the truth. Merck's corporate culture has ruined tens of thousands of lives. And it will ruin tens of thousands more, before all is said and done. And we're not even talking about the yearly layoff spectacle, which is now a proud/glorious company tradition. There is so much more to it. Hiding the truth from their employees. Hiding the truth from shareholders. Coddling senior leadership that has instituted one failed policy after another. Assigning process to make up for lack of vision. Stifling innovation. Pitting employee against employee in an annual game of dog-eat-dog. Executives and VPs driving their so-called "values" through fear and retribution, instead of encouraging teamwork and free flow of thought/ideas. It is a total cluster-f@&k. And that's putting it gently. So you can understand, and perhaps even forgive, if there is a new thread about it once in a while. ;-)

Why, do you really come to CP to read how "great" Merck is?

Very Well said !

Now please, PLEASE let me off of this moving disaster !

To think that almost 2 decades ago how proud I ONCE felt to work at one of the most admired companies in America....

I should have realized that after they put their GOD like DIVERSITY policy into place it would only equal complete incompetent idiots would be at the helm of this sinking ship !!!

I think the Titanic had better odds of staying afloat than this company has at surviving within the next decade.

I won the lottery to stay on board, but I raised my hand because I can no longer represent something that has itself no HONOR or INTEGRITY. A soulless company with no direction and who constantly lies to its' own people.

Why would anyone want to work at Merck? By industry standards the pay is mediocre. The health insurance was fair but expensive, bonus was middle road. The training was brutal, for the most part the ranks of management was infested by jerks. The products are outdated. All day in the field, then two hours at night on the computer. They treat you like crap, trying to get you to quit, the day you get there. No stability, constant change and threats of layoff.
Seriously, don't you people have any other options?

What kind of a jerk hates a company that sends them a good paycheck each 2 weeks in a supposed free market economy? Go find you another better paying job and stop bitching like a little child! The reason there are not enough good managers is that most of the best reps do not want to be managers and have to put everyone in a bucket even though this job warrants individual skills and approaches (forced ranking is an MBA concept to reduce the need to give larger bonuses and recognition) which produce the same results on most occasions! Although this salesforce has been destroyed from the top (WP) down and we have lost lots of great folks over the years, it's no reason for you just to bitch and not put forth ideas to change it other than just doing your job to the best of your abilities! If you work hard and produce they will reward you...don't want to...quit and work as a greeter at Wal-Mart a job that's more suited to your skills!

What kind of a jerk hates a company that sends them a good paycheck each 2 weeks in a supposed free market economy? Go find you another better paying job and stop bitching like a little child! The reason there are not enough good managers is that most of the best reps do not want to be managers and have to put everyone in a bucket even though this job warrants individual skills and approaches (forced ranking is an MBA concept to reduce the need to give larger bonuses and recognition) which produce the same results on most occasions! Although this salesforce has been destroyed from the top (WP) down and we have lost lots of great folks over the years, it's no reason for you just to bitch and not put forth ideas to change it other than just doing your job to the best of your abilities! If you work hard and produce they will reward you...don't want to...quit and work as a greeter at Wal-Mart a job that's more suited to your skills!

If you really believe that, then there is absolutely no hope for you.

STOP complaining and get yer anuses out in the field and move some damn business!

Got a problem with that? Turn in your car keys, bitches!

It's 10:22am. I'm leaving the house now for another meaningful day of begging for signatures and pretending to get "calls". I intend to be home before 4:00pm. I'm working a long one today.

FU Merck.

What kind of a jerk hates a company that sends them a good paycheck each 2 weeks in a supposed free market economy? Go find you another better paying job and stop bitching like a little child! The reason there are not enough good managers is that most of the best reps do not want to be managers and have to put everyone in a bucket even though this job warrants individual skills and approaches (forced ranking is an MBA concept to reduce the need to give larger bonuses and recognition) which produce the same results on most occasions! Although this salesforce has been destroyed from the top (WP) down and we have lost lots of great folks over the years, it's no reason for you just to bitch and not put forth ideas to change it other than just doing your job to the best of your abilities! If you work hard and produce they will reward you...don't want to...quit and work as a greeter at Wal-Mart a job that's more suited to your skills!

The kind of a jerk who is tired of management openly fleecing the company with no accountability. Most of the best people at Merck are not made managers as the incompetent fools who are supposed to manage feel threatened and need SOMEONE to do the job.

The kind of a jerk who is tired of management openly fleecing the company with no accountability. Most of the best people at Merck are not made managers as the incompetent fools who are supposed to manage feel threatened and need SOMEONE to do the job.
Don't accept your paychecks and go whine in some other organization! This is exactly what the above poster is talking about...go somewhere else or get busy changing it...if you are used to getting a paycheck without working hard for it then you are the real problem, not piss poor management! Control what you can control and get over the other!

Don't bother wasting your energy trying to change the company because you can't at the rep or CTL level. Upper Management will mow you down when the cuts come no matter how dedicated you've been. You're better off jumping ship at this point.

Don't bother wasting your energy trying to change the company because you can't at the rep or CTL level. Upper Management will mow you down when the cuts come no matter how dedicated you've been. You're better off jumping ship at this point.

I'll go when they throw me out, after having screwed them out of hundreds of thousands and with severance check in hand. If they don't grow me out, I'll continue to screw them indefinitely.

F--k you, Merck.

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