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I hate OneMS


Well, that didn't take long. Someone who has never been in the field is chosen to lead our new sales org and has no clue on how to do it. Coming from marketing MG believes EVERYTHING must be measured and that metrics are the best analogue for real data, because real data takes too long. Moral has absolutely plummeted, especially those of us that were S1P. Vince knew how to lead, I haven't seen it yet from the current group at all. Canned responses, the same "get to know ya" script for everyone, and more metrics. Michael's a good guy from my interactions with him and highly intelligent but IMO, not suited to lead a sales team. And don't get me started on Doug N; Cartman from South Park. "YOU WILL RESPECT MY AUTHORITY!"

How much have you spent on lunches? Is your mileage matching up to your calls? (Although this may just be in my district) Who are your Focus Targets? Super Targets? Top 5/10/20 targets? Let's role play before the big meeting! Remember that we are the chosen ones! You are so fortunate to not have been displaced! Be sure to cheer wildly and sing Kumbaya so your ABL can hear!

Sorry to sound so bitter but I am thinking that the stress of finding a new position may have been the better play. And the $75K severance! Am I wrong? I could use some good vibes...


Well, that didn't take long. Someone who has never been in the field is chosen to lead our new sales org and has no clue on how to do it. Coming from marketing MG believes EVERYTHING must be measured and that metrics are the best analogue for real data, because real data takes too long. Moral has absolutely plummeted, especially those of us that were S1P. Vince knew how to lead, I haven't seen it yet from the current group at all. Canned responses, the same "get to know ya" script for everyone, and more metrics. Michael's a good guy from my interactions with him and highly intelligent but IMO, not suited to lead a sales team. And don't get me started on Doug N; Cartman from South Park. "YOU WILL RESPECT MY AUTHORITY!"

How much have you spent on lunches? Is your mileage matching up to your calls? (Although this may just be in my district) Who are your Focus Targets? Super Targets? Top 5/10/20 targets? Let's role play before the big meeting! Remember that we are the chosen ones! You are so fortunate to not have been displaced! Be sure to cheer wildly and sing Kumbaya so your ABL can hear!

Sorry to sound so bitter but I am thinking that the stress of finding a new position may have been the better play. And the $75K severance! Am I wrong? I could use some good vibes...

so agree with a lot above poster said. The metric tracking and busy work is off the chart. So funny March was “drop everything and sell” and April has been “do this training, be on a million pointless calls, and fill out this spreadsheet”. It’s feeling very primary care for sure and I know a lot of people are over the “be glad you have a job” vibe and looking to leave. MG is nice but way out of his depth as a sales leader. Both he and DAR are not “sales” oriented and it shows. Dreading this meeting

The morale is at an all time low. They have turned us into primary reps and yes Doug is a tool. Nobody wants to attend this meeting. It's going to be a big fail no matter how they spin it. I say by the fall 30-40% of the salesforce will be gone. MG belongs in marketing we need Vince back.

Well, that didn't take long. Someone who has never been in the field is chosen to lead our new sales org and has no clue on how to do it. Coming from marketing MG believes EVERYTHING must be measured and that metrics are the best analogue for real data, because real data takes too long. Moral has absolutely plummeted, especially those of us that were S1P. Vince knew how to lead, I haven't seen it yet from the current group at all. Canned responses, the same "get to know ya" script for everyone, and more metrics. Michael's a good guy from my interactions with him and highly intelligent but IMO, not suited to lead a sales team. And don't get me started on Doug N; Cartman from South Park. "YOU WILL RESPECT MY AUTHORITY!"

How much have you spent on lunches? Is your mileage matching up to your calls? (Although this may just be in my district) Who are your Focus Targets? Super Targets? Top 5/10/20 targets? Let's role play before the big meeting! Remember that we are the chosen ones! You are so fortunate to not have been displaced! Be sure to cheer wildly and sing Kumbaya so your ABL can hear!

Sorry to sound so bitter but I am thinking that the stress of finding a new position may have been the better play. And the $75K severance! Am I wrong? I could use some good vibes...

Great post thank you for speaking the truth.

so agree with a lot above poster said. The metric tracking and busy work is off the chart. So funny March was “drop everything and sell” and April has been “do this training, be on a million pointless calls, and fill out this spreadsheet”. It’s feeling very primary care for sure and I know a lot of people are over the “be glad you have a job” vibe and looking to leave. MG is nice but way out of his depth as a sales leader. Both he and DAR are not “sales” oriented and it shows. Dreading this meeting

You better have your Current State vs Desired State prepared for your top twenty targets next week. If you don't, I will go total Mickey, Daffy, and Goofy on you !!!

Signed, Your ABL and reason for your career success.

Culture sucks no meeting will change that. Treating us like primary care reps is the problem. Pre call plans, role playing to bots and another version of breakaway selling. I miss our old division with Vince. He cared about us.

Well, that didn't take long. Someone who has never been in the field is chosen to lead our new sales org and has no clue on how to do it. Coming from marketing MG believes EVERYTHING must be measured and that metrics are the best analogue for real data, because real data takes too long. Moral has absolutely plummeted, especially those of us that were S1P. Vince knew how to lead, I haven't seen it yet from the current group at all. Canned responses, the same "get to know ya" script for everyone, and more metrics. Michael's a good guy from my interactions with him and highly intelligent but IMO, not suited to lead a sales team. And don't get me started on Doug N; Cartman from South Park. "YOU WILL RESPECT MY AUTHORITY!"

How much have you spent on lunches? Is your mileage matching up to your calls? (Although this may just be in my district) Who are your Focus Targets? Super Targets? Top 5/10/20 targets? Let's role play before the big meeting! Remember that we are the chosen ones! You are so fortunate to not have been displaced! Be sure to cheer wildly and sing Kumbaya so your ABL can hear!

Sorry to sound so bitter but I am thinking that the stress of finding a new position may have been the better play. And the $75K severance! Am I wrong? I could use some good vibes...

Super targets?
Is that serious?
Is it a real thing?
No joke - well over twenty years in medical/pharma sales and i've never heard of such a thing.