I guess I am a sore loser about the election

And your dumbass is bad at reading comprehension. It all makes sense, sycophantic moron.
Hmm. I guess I could use clarification on your elite prose then. You’re so hostile, Libby. Everything will be ok.

Jump in your Prius, get a soy latte, and listen to some TSwift. You’ll be feeling emotionally stable in no time.

Hmm. I guess I could use clarification on your elite prose then. You’re so hostile, Libby. Everything will be ok.

Jump in your Prius, get a soy latte, and listen to some TSwift. You’ll be feeling emotionally stable in no time.
Are you still whining, pussy? Again, what is it like to look up as the yellow stream hits your face from the balcony?

Hmm. I guess I could use clarification on your elite prose then. You’re so hostile, Libby. Everything will be ok.

Jump in your Prius, get a soy latte, and listen to some TSwift. You’ll be feeling emotionally stable in no time.
Omg! Even the women here on CP make snarky posts. LOL & SMH?

Decency is gone. And likely never coming back.
Bingo! Joe Biden may have been a weak president but seeing that photo him offering to help the Orange Blob w/ a peaceful transfer of power was a reminder of the sense of statesmanship we once held in esteem. It was honest and it was real. The Blob has money but doesn't have class or a shred of decency in his body.