I grew uncomfortable with the amount of lying and fabrication in this pretend job

Then please, leave.
Trust me, if there was nothing to sell, you wouldn't have a job.

That day (of having nothing to sell) is coming fast. And then YOU will no longer have a job either. We'll both be "doing our thing" somewhere else. But had R&D at Merck been successful, then neither of us would have to be working elsewhere. You are simply failing to see that R&D is at the very heart of Merck's problems.

Specialty is no different, except for the large ego. Lunches, no access, 10 second sound bites, no samples to even serve as pretense for access. Specialty are slightly higher pad caterers, wit no delivery boy responsibilties.

There are good and bad reps in every group. On average, the Specialty Reps were a notch higher and usually had better relationships with their customers. I saw a world of difference when I swithched to Primary Care. The Primary Care job truly was a joke.

What's more hilarious is seeing dipshit Primary Care managers inherit specialty reps and 'teach them how to sell.' No disrespect to the good PC reps and managers. But some are just flat out stupid.

How many out there are growing wary of the amount of lies and fabrications
that must be told to successfully "do one's job" at Merck...?

I mean, hardly an doctors even see reps anymore, and we have to pretend
like we are having this amazing effect on their prescribing habits?

the whole thing seems a bit of a farce to me...a well paying farce admittedly,
but one that is for the most part, unsustainable...

it would seem that any serious person, would be seeking a new profession
quite quickly at this point?

Time to fire Merck before they do it to you....

You "grew uncomfortable...." because you know what a farce this job was. You grew uncomfortable because you don't like living a lie. You grew uncomfortable because you have integrity. Mostly, you grew uncomfortable because you were smart enough---and honest enough---to recognize a culture of fraud when you see it. It goes beyond the grand facade of the job---management lies to us every day while we just accept it.

There are good and bad reps in every group. On average, the Specialty Reps were a notch higher and usually had better relationships with their customers. I saw a world of difference when I switched to Primary Care. The Primary Care job truly was a joke.

High-caliber conscientious primary care reps have always sell like a primary care/specialty rep/hospital rep combined. That was how we used to sell as the only one or two rep(s) in the territory. It is our normal way of selling. But Merck keeps saying you cannot do that nor reward behavior beyond the job description. So we have to dumb down and talk stupid and bring in the specialty rep to talk intelligently according to the management.