I grew uncomfortable with the amount of lying and fabrication in this pretend job


How many out there are growing wary of the amount of lies and fabrications
that must be told to successfully "do one's job" at Merck...?

I mean, hardly an doctors even see reps anymore, and we have to pretend
like we are having this amazing effect on their prescribing habits?

the whole thing seems a bit of a farce to me...a well paying farce admittedly,
but one that is for the most part, unsustainable...

it would seem that any serious person, would be seeking a new profession
quite quickly at this point?

Time to fire Merck before they do it to you....

How many out there are growing wary of the amount of lies and fabrications
that must be told to successfully "do one's job" at Merck...?

I mean, hardly an doctors even see reps anymore, and we have to pretend
like we are having this amazing effect on their prescribing habits?

the whole thing seems a bit of a farce to me...a well paying farce admittedly,
but one that is for the most part, unsustainable...

it would seem that any serious person, would be seeking a new profession
quite quickly at this point?

Time to fire Merck before they do it to you....

If only R&D had your same attitude. They would understand for the last 10 years they have been nothing more than a charity producing no real results and getting a paycheck. I am waiting for them to discover penicillin and think it’s a new cutting edge breakthrough drug. If R&D has no problem collecting a paycheck, we do a lot more than them. I am sure they will cry like the little babies while stating there jobs are so hard. In the pharma world, R&D at Merck is the joke of the industry.

How many out there are growing wary of the amount of lies and fabrications
that must be told to successfully "do one's job" at Merck...?

I mean, hardly an doctors even see reps anymore, and we have to pretend
like we are having this amazing effect on their prescribing habits?

the whole thing seems a bit of a farce to me...a well paying farce admittedly,
but one that is for the most part, unsustainable...

it would seem that any serious person, would be seeking a new profession
quite quickly at this point?

Time to fire Merck before they do it to you....

I've felt the same way you do now for at least the past 15 years. We all are in this game and go dutifully about playing our "roles" and acting like what we do is not mostly farce or make believe in order to continue collecting a nice paycheck for meaningless work. It is the damnedest scenario to try and tell people who have real jobs.

If only R&D had your same attitude. They would understand for the last 10 years they have been nothing more than a charity producing no real results and getting a paycheck. I am waiting for them to discover penicillin and think it’s a new cutting edge breakthrough drug. If R&D has no problem collecting a paycheck, we do a lot more than them. I am sure they will cry like the little babies while stating there jobs are so hard. In the pharma world, R&D at Merck is the joke of the industry.

I'm sorry...and you'd be selling WHAT???? without R & D?
PS = Merck R & D is NOT the joke of the industry by far!
A mind IS a terrible thing to waste.

Our Sales positions are a joke. We could hire baboons to do what our reps do. "8 calls per day"--- yeah, right. It's all B.S. and the reps are all a farce.

Our R&D is as big a joke. Despite tens of billions of dollars invested, they've delivered almost nothing in the last several years.

Merck is circling the drain.

I'm sorry...and you'd be selling WHAT???? without R & D?
PS = Merck R & D is NOT the joke of the industry by far!
A mind IS a terrible thing to waste.

Really? There is nothing to sell thanks to the great R&D at Merck. Why does the pipeline suck so bad that the only way to get a pipeline is by over paying for another company. Merck R&D is the laughing stock of the pharma world. Companies with 1/4 of the R&D staff has a better pipeline because they have more competent people staffed. When other companies look at resumes and see anything associated with Merck R&D they throw the resume in the garbage. R&D is the fuel that moves the company forward. Why was Merck so successful 10-20 years ago? Because the pipeline sucked and R&D was a incompetent group? Of course not, it was they exact opposite. The only way Merck will ever succeed is to slowly fire 100% of R&D and bring in people from other companies that can get the job done. How can anyone from Merck R&D write that they are successful in what they do? By the end of this year so much is going generic and there is nothing in the pipeline. Why is it Vertex is kicking us around? It has a better success rate than our crappy drug. We even beat it to market and it still did not matter. Let's face it, the fuel (R&D) that runs our company is made of piss and the company has no clue what to do.

I am not sales. How can anyone from R&D honestly feel they have contributed anything to the company in the last 10 years after they look at the pipeline, all the failures, and the smaller companies that are taking us to the woodshed on a regular basis.

Keep up the great work and collect that charity check for now.

I am embarrassed to be a drug rep today. As a specialty rep that transferred into Primary care a couple of years ago, I learned first hand that the Primary Care reps are every bit the joke we always believed them to be. This job is an embarrassment and every Primary Care rep is a complete fraud. That's why our days are numbered.

Last I knew, nobody forced PC reps to stay in the job. We all know it's mostly a fabricated exercise done to keep management happy or off your case. But it's still one's choice to stay in such a weak excuse for a job. Granted the current business climate/economy makes it more challenging to leave, but it can be done.

I am embarrassed to be a drug rep today. As a specialty rep that transferred into Primary care a couple of years ago, I learned first hand that the Primary Care reps are every bit the joke we always believed them to be. This job is an embarrassment and every Primary Care rep is a complete fraud. That's why our days are numbered.

I am a tenured primary care rep. Merck has lowered the standard over the years and emphasize look and slickness over knowledge and quality. Not all primary care reps are dumb asses. But there is no incentive to be knowledgeable nor know your customers well. I am sorry that you have to experience the dumbing down of the division.

We cannot blame the R&D people completely.

The threshold for drug safety has risen over the years.
There may be the FDA Vengeance against Merck since the Vioxx fiasco.
It is much more difficult to have a first in class breakthrough product these days.
All the lawyers are waiting to sue if someone even claim their toenails turn yellow even though the drug saves their lives.
Dumb American consumers expect cheap drugs that are 100% safe and hopefully free too. They have no problem spending $6 on a McDonald's combo meal but balk at paying even $1 for something that will save their sorry asses from death.
There are not as many unconquered major diseases that are of commercial values.
Merck reps who cannot sell are wishing for breakthrough products so they can continue to fancy themselves as "great sales reps".
Selling these days are more difficult with managed care, prior authorization, formularies, PPO's, and whatever which many reps cannot comprehend and so they wish for a product so unique and critical that all would cover it...but what disease would that be?

You, sir, are an A-class idiot, both grammatically and intellectually.

Hay dummy,
There is nothing in the pipeline. In sales, if you don't hit your numbers you are terminated. R&D has worked 5 years with nothing but epic failures to show for it. Where is the accountability? As intelligent as you are I bet you have no clue what that word means. Please go to dictionary.com to look it up.

Hay dummy,
There is nothing in the pipeline. In sales, if you don't hit your numbers you are terminated. R&D has worked 5 years with nothing but epic failures to show for it. Where is the accountability? As intelligent as you are I bet you have no clue what that word means. Please go to dictionary.com to look it up.

It is "Hey", not "Hay".

The word "epic" is now considered over-used. Now driving across the country is an "epic journey". Going for a long walk is an "epic walk". Taking a long time in the bathroom is an "epic struggle". :)

Originally Posted by Anonymous View Post
You, sir, are an A-class idiot, both grammatically and intellectually.

It should be "Class A", not "A-Class".

Now both of you go and attend a remedial class. :)

Like my good friend and colleague that I went through Phase I training with back when Merck was Merck said, "never forget, we're selling a poison that in most patients does more good than harm." That is as true today as it was back then. It can be a tricky business.

I am embarrassed to be a drug rep today. As a specialty rep that transferred into Primary care a couple of years ago, I learned first hand that the Primary Care reps are every bit the joke we always believed them to be. This job is an embarrassment and every Primary Care rep is a complete fraud. That's why our days are numbered.

Specialty is no different, except for the large ego. Lunches, no access, 10 second sound bites, no samples to even serve as pretense for access. Specialty are slightly higher pad caterers, wit no delivery boy responsibilties.

Specialty is no different, except for the large ego. Lunches, no access, 10 second sound bites, no samples to even serve as pretense for access. Specialty are slightly higher pad caterers, wit no delivery boy responsibilities.

Brought in specialty reps on a few occasions to dazzle the academic-minded customers. It worked sometimes. Some specialty reps are better and some are really bad. Some earn their promotion and some, by excellent networking. Some are there to help you as a team member. Some are already planning their next career move and this stop is an extra notch on the brag sheet.