I didn’t realize this company was still around


The Novartis , Merck and big pharma flunkies are running the place now. After the Alzheimers drug flops.....which it will, turn off the lights. Bad place to be and everyone I know is looking. They cant even get talented reps to work here anymore. The others are either PIPed out the door or bullied into leaving....bad management team to say the least. Hopefully I'm gone in the next few weeks.... fingers crossed.

The Novartis , Merck and big pharma flunkies are running the place now. After the Alzheimers drug flops.....which it will, turn off the lights. Bad place to be and everyone I know is looking. They cant even get talented reps to work here anymore. The others are either PIPed out the door or bullied into leaving....bad management team to say the least. Hopefully I'm gone in the next few weeks.... fingers crossed.
Bad management and the buddy system will be the death of Biogen.

Bad management and the buddy system will be the death of Biogen.

We just had two high-level promotions in our dept - one was a diversity/inclusion move and other benefited from from cronyism/ass-kissing. Bother are incompetent, steal other people's ideas and claim them as their own, and are verbally abusive to employees. The person who promoted them is also clueless and inherited the dept after everyone else left. People are extremely angry and see right through his charades.

This place has really change and not for the better.