Dude......dear OP. You need to get to networking. LinkedIn every night like a MOFO. I worked here and never got into big pharma. I made the leap one time into major pharma and lasted 6 months and was downsized. I went back into contract work at Publiciss. never made over 70k in a year for 5 years in a row. I made a change....here is what I did.
1. I got a second pharma gig. I picked up a contract at PDI. Doubled my salary and saved some cash. This lasted 9 months. ALSO, yes this is real life. I made up all my numbers. SAVE SAVE SAVE your sales emails and forms and reports. I paid a girl in West Virginia to photoshop everything to make me look like I was almost presidents club. FAKE FAKE FAKE it. Nothing can be verified. You are protected as a worker. Use the laws to stay employed. So I double dipped for 9 months made an additional 4k a month and got a free car with the PDI deal. Saved it all as a financial cushion if I got laid off......which happened on the PDI contract. But I was still employed at PSS. I got sick of this pharma life and wanted a career change.....having a kid will do that.
2. I started looking at device jobs all the time. I LinkedIn with every rep on the west coast I could connect with. Biomet, Gore, Baxter, Cardninal Health, Boston Scientific, 3M, Smith and Nephew, St Jude Medical, Depuy-Synthes, Stryker, KLS Martin, Zimmer, Nobel Biocare, Strauman, Covidian, Medtronic etc.......All I said was that I wanted a new career and I wouldnt make them look bad if they referred me. I was hyper aggressive and made some reps mad. Most of the device guys are former athletes or alpha dogs. they respect the aggressive stuff. I hustled phones for 7 months. Found an opening and LinkedIn my way to the manager. Emailed him1x a day for 3 weeks. Got an interview and I was hired. Heres a tip. Most guys I work with have never sold anything medically. All cell phone sales, copier sales, used cars and farm equipment. These guys are not top guns in pharma that got a shot. Im the only former pharma rep in a region of 20.
Now I'm in the 250k per year tax bracket and I watch surgeries all day. Its awesome. You just need to work and be confident. Pharma SUUUUUUUUUUUCKS.
Find a new life.