I am unvaccinated

Yet somehow still alive

Those that got it are having buyer's remorse.

The dumbest part about it is that these people work in the industry. They should have known the stages of product approval, etc.

I guess they just don't have adult critical thinking skills.


Just don't make the same mistake again. I am sure they will have more potent things coming in the future that will take down more people than this one.

Those that got it are having buyer's remorse.

The dumbest part about it is that these people work in the industry. They should have known the stages of product approval, etc.

I guess they just don't have adult critical thinking skills.


Just don't make the same mistake again. I am sure they will have more potent things coming in the future that will take down more people than this one.

Those that got it are having buyer's remorse.

The dumbest part about it is that these people work in the industry. They should have known the stages of product approval, etc.

I guess they just don't have adult critical thinking skills.


Just don't make the same mistake again. I am sure they will have more potent things coming in the future that will take down more people than this one.

Omg….for three years you have been harping on your critical thinking skills. But it doesn’t appear that you have been using them

and u r a moron who knows nothing - the only indication was to prevent - when i got jabbed and got covid it should have been reported as an ae- lack of efficacy at achieving its endpoint is a reportable event

Those that got it are having buyer's remorse.

The dumbest part about it is that these people work in the industry. They should have known the stages of product approval, etc.

I guess they just don't have adult critical thinking skills.


Just don't make the same mistake again. I am sure they will have more potent things coming in the future that will take down more people than this one.
I am also stunned at the amount of seemingly intelligent people who disregarded the abandonment of FDA and industry protocol to line up for the toxic jab. I was the only one on my entire team who didn’t rush out to take it. These lawsuits will be amazing. I almost wish I had been fired over my refusal. So many people have irreversible damage to their heart and other major body systems which are not yet apparent. Had a neighbor die in bed the night/early morning of his second in the first series of 2. Another neighbor in her 40s is being treated for an aggressive stage 4 turbo cancer and will likely not survive. She will leave behind 2 children if this happens. Others are mentally declining at a rapid pace. If you’re still out there on the roads doing this job you can see the bizarre auto accidents which happen multiple times a day. Personal car insurance has doubled. Bird flu MRNA jabs are coming. I hope you dopes have learned your lesson for next time. Critical thinking skills are your friend!

I am also stunned at the amount of seemingly intelligent people ... Bird flu MRNA jabs are coming. I hope you dopes have learned your lesson for next time. Critical thinking skills are your friend!
All true. I dont expect many to come to any realization. Two coworkers have died - one from cancer and the other from a heart attack - and the others fail to see how taking a new drug and being dead 2 years later could even be related.

Meanwhile, prepare yourself for the QUAD-DEMIC and get all your recommended shots!

No one who refused getting vaccinated had any business being a Pharma rep. You want to be stubbornly skeptical of evidence-based medicine? Fine, that’s your prerogative. But you can’t tell doctors to believe what the FDA says about the safety and efficacy of your medication while at the same time believing the FDA cannot be trusted when it comes to the safety efficacy of the CV 19 vaccine. There is simply no way to do this credibly. So find something else to do that is not evidence-based. Maybe fortunetelling.

Evidence based medicine? There is no package insert. There is no fair balance about side effects. They rolled it out after 8 months, and forced Americans to take it or else! Wake up.

I am also stunned at the amount of seemingly intelligent people who disregarded the abandonment of FDA and industry protocol to line up for the toxic jab. I was the only one on my entire team who didn’t rush out to take it. These lawsuits will be amazing. I almost wish I had been fired over my refusal. So many people have irreversible damage to their heart and other major body systems which are not yet apparent. Had a neighbor die in bed the night/early morning of his second in the first series of 2. Another neighbor in her 40s is being treated for an aggressive stage 4 turbo cancer and will likely not survive. She will leave behind 2 children if this happens. Others are mentally declining at a rapid pace. If you’re still out there on the roads doing this job you can see the bizarre auto accidents which happen multiple times a day. Personal car insurance has doubled. Bird flu MRNA jabs are coming. I hope you dopes have learned your lesson for next time. Critical thinking skills are your friend!
It was quickly marketed and framed as a form of status marker. It was framed and marketed as smart and sophisticated, well-respected high-status types took the vaccine. Hillbillies, rednecks, and dumb low-status types didn’t take the vaccine.

So you had the middle and upper class, and mostly the striver types, riddled with modern day status anxiety, rushing to take it to be “part of the right crowd.” No one thought it through carefully. Now many cant admit they got it wrong and the “hillbillies” they denigrated so much were right not to trust it and question it.

I questioned it. Been in the industry for 30 years. We all know how long it takes to bring a drug to market. this vaccine was 8 months. No package insert. And we know how corrupt this companies are. Glad I never took the poison.

If public health was really the goal, they'd have allowed proof of antibodies and long term memory T cell mediated immunity. Tests were available in July 2020 to assess whether or not people had been exposed and already fought it off.

Bird flu is a hoax! I will not mask or get the vax. Only sheeple will wear masks and get vaxxed for a hoax! Sad! Hope rfk jr bans all vaccines! Polio vax is dangerous and causes autism