I am job!


Hey idiot the hate comes from Pfizer and is directed towards their loyal employees? So,we wonder who runs the White House? Maybe the same hater that runs Pfizer. Anti American scum. So if you are upset at the racial slurs thrown upon the newly requested sales force, you probably voted for Biden and are happy with the conditions in our country currently

Hey idiot the hate comes from Pfizer and is directed towards their loyal employees? So,we wonder who runs the White House? Maybe the same hater that runs Pfizer. Anti American scum. So if you are upset at the racial slurs thrown upon the newly requested sales force, you probably voted for Biden and are happy with the conditions in our country currently

sounds to me like even if pfizer wasn't doing this, you would still be a racist. But sure, blame your racism in pfizer

Pfizer has shown they hate their employees. Detests them, even. Of course they timed the announcement of hiring refugees to coincide with laying off an entire division. I expect nothing less

How many times has that white lady running the PAC been to the whitehouse since Biden took office. Wonder why. She should be indicted and an AA hired...
Same white lady who hosts fund raising events for dem candidates, who’s daddy was the ambassador to England under Obama? Talk about conflict of interest and unethical, this lady operates like that every day

I hope you're all looking forward to working in that windowless concrete box that used to be a Target store! Wait till your kids get to go to school in one of those rough south side of Chicago public schools where they get beat up everyday!