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I’m new here but


Let me fill you in.

-Company wide bonus (for non sales), got cut several years ago by about 30% (Covid excuse), and has never returned.
-For sales reps, the company is always implementing IC Plans that are unattainable.
-Despite record performance, we have all received pay increases below industry norm for two years in a row now.
-10k people got laid off in a global restructure
-In addition to those 10k, numerous individual units have also restructured = layoffs. In fact. This is such a disaster they announce a US re-org called AOS, and then completely switch gears a few months later and announce T4G.

Company sure is killing it, but ain't sharing shit with their employees. This place is nothing but toxic positivity.

Let me fill you in.

-Company wide bonus (for non sales), got cut several years ago by about 30% (Covid excuse), and has never returned.
-For sales reps, the company is always implementing IC Plans that are unattainable.
-Despite record performance, we have all received pay increases below industry norm for two years in a row now.
-10k people got laid off in a global restructure
-In addition to those 10k, numerous individual units have also restructured = layoffs. In fact. This is such a disaster they announce a US re-org called AOS, and then completely switch gears a few months later and announce T4G.

Company sure is killing it, but ain't sharing shit with their employees. This place is nothing but toxic positivity.

They may be making money but they could make a lot more. Most of my team is quit quitting. Working just enough to keep your job. Nobody is quitting just working less.

I can’t understand why everyone is so negative about novartis. It’s great compared to the company I came from
1) What division?
2) You sound like a lemming Kool-Aidn Snowflake.
3) Are you that naive to believe the propaganda coming fron any corporate entity?
4) Switch Novartis w/ your previous employeer's name, and all would be the same.

Toughen up Snowflake.

Enjoy the crap show!

This place is nothing but toxic positivity.

Hahaha! New word that needs to get added to Merriam-Webster!

It's Jone's Town Kool-Aid on Steroids!
1978 Jone's Town Kool-Aid + Irvemectin + bleach + UV light + Glint Survey + Un-Boss + RTE (Rep Triggered Emails) + FTO (Free Trial Offer) + cashless bail + him/her/they.

This is the way.
-Din Djarin (The Mandalorian)

Hahaha! New word that needs to get added to Merriam-Webster!

It's Jone's Town Kool-Aid on Steroids!
1978 Jone's Town Kool-Aid + Irvemectin + bleach + UV light + Glint Survey + Un-Boss + RTE (Rep Triggered Emails) + FTO (Free Trial Offer) + cashless bail + him/her/they.

This is the way.
-Din Djarin (The Mandalorian)

The only place I will ever work in my adult life that when questions on salary come up to leadership, people fake laugh like cunts at jokes about having a tight budget. The Novartis way is sucking each other off, and sucking the company off. When you are being fucked in the ass without lube, just keep guzzling that cum.

I can’t understand why everyone is so negative about novartis. It’s great compared to the company I came from

If you're CV, ask your teammates about:

-The 12 month Leaving delay
-The leqvio locator
-Leqvio data capture
-The 2023 National Meeting (Duane's Q and A)
-Our new Leqvio IC plans, and

-The FTO shitshow (and how they're now added to our IC plan).

Welcome to the dope-show!!

Hahaha! New word that needs to get added to Merriam-Webster!

It's Jone's Town Kool-Aid on Steroids!
1978 Jone's Town Kool-Aid + Irvemectin + bleach + UV light + Glint Survey + Un-Boss + RTE (Rep Triggered Emails) + FTO (Free Trial Offer) + cashless bail + him/her/they.

This is the way.
-Din Djarin (The Mandalorian)

If you're CV, ask your teammates about:

-The 12 month Leaving delay
-The leqvio locator
-Leqvio data capture
-The 2023 National Meeting (Duane's Q and A)
-Our new Leqvio IC plans, and

-The FTO shitshow (and how they're now added to our IC plan).

Welcome to the dope-show!!

-why reps with decades at the company were laid off and their position filled with newer reps who didn’t even live in the geography
-why former PCP reps STILL aren’t being paid within the advertised salary range for the job they’ve been doing since May 1
-why a reorg is the only way to get promoted at Novartis
-how much IC was paid during launch of Leqvio
-why they asked sales reps to personally collect data of injections given
-why Leqvio customers aren’t being targeted
-why the pressure to call on the same targets every week and ignore existing Leqvio accounts
-why we get no pats on the back and only negativity

-why reps with decades at the company were laid off and their position filled with newer reps who didn’t even live in the geography
-why former PCP reps STILL aren’t being paid within the advertised salary range for the job they’ve been doing since May 1
-why a reorg is the only way to get promoted at Novartis
-how much IC was paid during launch of Leqvio
-why they asked sales reps to personally collect data of injections given
-why Leqvio customers aren’t being targeted
-why the pressure to call on the same targets every week and ignore existing Leqvio accounts
-why we get no pats on the back and only negativity
Don't listen new boy we love your sperm

It’s perfect. You will just need to be prepared for monthly field visits that seem to last forever and just when you get done and you get to go back to doing your job they will back, so it’s good

-why reps with decades at the company were laid off and their position filled with newer reps who didn’t even live in the geography
-why former PCP reps STILL aren’t being paid within the advertised salary range for the job they’ve been doing since May 1
-why a reorg is the only way to get promoted at Novartis
-how much IC was paid during launch of Leqvio
-why they asked sales reps to personally collect data of injections given
-why Leqvio customers aren’t being targeted
-why the pressure to call on the same targets every week and ignore existing Leqvio accounts
-why we get no pats on the back and only negativity

-why reps with decades at the company were laid off and their position filled with newer reps who didn’t even live in the geography
-why former PCP reps STILL aren’t being paid within the advertised salary range for the job they’ve been doing since May 1
-why a reorg is the only way to get promoted at Novartis
-how much IC was paid during launch of Leqvio
-why they asked sales reps to personally collect data of injections given
-why Leqvio customers aren’t being targeted
-why the pressure to call on the same targets every week and ignore existing Leqvio accounts
-why we get no pats on the back and only negativity

- why they consistently look the other way when they know the work load distribution isn’t equal?
- why they expect us to do the work for many territories because corporate decided to reorganize inexperienced associates into specialty rolls?
- why they assign IC plans designed not to pay high performers and then claim bonuses are based on growth?
-why leaders consistently make the same mistakes over and over again?
- why instead of looking for answer or compromise the leaders stay quiet until they the sales people aren’t angry any more?
- why Duane, Sandeep and Jeff are still here?

-why we have the most complicated and redundant expense reporting system in the history of expense reporting.
- why we are handing out PIs and they can’t be attached to sales items.
-why we can’t have sample packaging that contains a pi instead of semi glued to bottles so they fall off.
-why managers are more concerned with KPIs/metrics than sales performance
-why managers don’t even seem to look at sales performance
-why they continually hire managers from outside the company who have never sold our products and don’t possess a buy and bill skill set
- why reps who have been selling Leqvio for nearly two years via the “total office call” are now being subjected to the most remedial total office call training
-why reps who have sold Leqvio successfully for nearly two years now still aren’t making any IC money and instead are being pressured to hit unreasonable metrics