Hybrid options


Enough already on cars! Fleet will determine your vehicle and if you don’t like it, get the hell out of our company! Rep reputation at HQ is below slime.

When you spend more time per day with your company vehicle than you do awake with your spouse, it's kind of a big deal.

Now be a nice HQ drone and go back to your cubicle. Tell yourself that you are actually accomplishing something by running from meeting to meeting with the other drones.

No one at HQ drives electric vehicles. All of the chargers are always empty. Why is that, HQ person? Tell us something we don't know
Because they pay full price for their own cars and get to choose what they want. Just like in field you can choose to buy whatever personal car you want. Now don’t bother with the “I am forced to pay for company car” BS. It’s like 150 bucks a month and most people drive it for personal stuff during day.

Because they pay full price for their own cars and get to choose what they want. Just like in field you can choose to buy whatever personal car you want. Now don’t bother with the “I am forced to pay for company car” BS. It’s like 150 bucks a month and most people drive it for personal stuff during day.
Spot On!! In addition, many HQ folks use public transportation and the AZ shuttle buses to get to and from work. At lunch, we often have a laugh over the entitlement and silliness of our supposed sales reps. Key question for management, how many doctors does the average rep actually provide a sales presentation to per day? Zero to two?!? My doctor doesn't even allow pharma reps to enter the office!

Spot On!! In addition, many HQ folks use public transportation and the AZ shuttle buses to get to and from work. At lunch, we often have a laugh over the entitlement and silliness of our supposed sales reps. Key question for management, how many doctors does the average rep actually provide a sales presentation to per day? Zero to two?!? My doctor doesn't even allow pharma reps to enter the office!

Many docs do not and yes, zero to two in many places. It's a great gig.

Because they pay full price for their own cars and get to choose what they want. Just like in field you can choose to buy whatever personal car you want. Now don’t bother with the “I am forced to pay for company car” BS. It’s like 150 bucks a month and most people drive it for personal stuff during day.
So the green thing has to be forced on people, since very few people do it voluntarily despite free chargers at work

Makes sense.

Enough already on cars! Fleet will determine your vehicle and if you don’t like it, get the hell out of our company! Rep reputation at HQ is below slime.
HQ reputation in the field is below slime. You idiots are so clueless about the field and issues this will create for many in areas of the country where EV infrastructure is sketchy and inadequate.

Comments of this nature just demonstrate how out of touch Pascal and HQ people are with reality or legitimate concerns ariund safety for some of your field based colleagues.

Spot On!! In addition, many HQ folks use public transportation and the AZ shuttle buses to get to and from work. At lunch, we often have a laugh over the entitlement and silliness of our supposed sales reps. Key question for management, how many doctors does the average rep actually provide a sales presentation to per day? Zero to two?!? My doctor doesn't even allow pharma reps to enter the office!

HQ have no idea how frustrating a reps job can be. Do you think we don’t WANT to present more often? You think we like getting little glass doors closed on our faces all day long? Think we enjoy Karen demanding we feed her so the doc can be “running late” and not even bother to see us? It’s hard and the good reps are busting our asses and taking our lumps to find a way to detail HCPs. It takes awhile to get traction but without sales force on the group knocking repeatedly on doors, there is no revenue to keep the rest of you employed..

HQ have no idea how frustrating a reps job can be. Do you think we don’t WANT to present more often? You think we like getting little glass doors closed on our faces all day long? Think we enjoy Karen demanding we feed her so the doc can be “running late” and not even bother to see us? It’s hard and the good reps are busting our asses and taking our lumps to find a way to detail HCPs. It takes awhile to get traction but without sales force on the group knocking repeatedly on doors, there is no revenue to keep the rest of you employed..
You don’t know how this business works, but nice try, little buddy.

The people telling you to worry about your "carbon footprint".......................................
...........................................................................................are not worried about THEIR "carbon footprint"

Because they pay full price for their own cars and get to choose what they want. Just like in field you can choose to buy whatever personal car you want. Now don’t bother with the “I am forced to pay for company car” BS. It’s like 150 bucks a month and most people drive it for personal stuff during day.

this is always the worst argument that inevitably comes up each time someone complains about the company car because:

1. I’d happily give up the company car and be reimbursed for my mileage. I’ll get to pick whatever car I want and also make money on the deal.

2. every single company gives reps a car or stipend. This is the equivalent of someone at HQ being given a bathroom stall as an office. Be glad you even have a workspace. EVERYBODY GETS A WORKSPACE just like EVERYBODY GETS A CAR. But you gave me the worst one. Almost any other company would give me a better one

3. You force me to pay 150 for a car I don’t have any personal use for. It’s an inconvenience to my lifestyle. I have to go out of my way to use it most days. I opt to use my personal vehicle often because it’s JUST NOT WORTH IT

this is always the worst argument that inevitably comes up each time someone complains about the company car because:

1. I’d happily give up the company car and be reimbursed for my mileage. I’ll get to pick whatever car I want and also make money on the deal.

2. every single company gives reps a car or stipend. This is the equivalent of someone at HQ being given a bathroom stall as an office. Be glad you even have a workspace. EVERYBODY GETS A WORKSPACE just like EVERYBODY GETS A CAR. But you gave me the worst one. Almost any other company would give me a better one

3. You force me to pay 150 for a car I don’t have any personal use for. It’s an inconvenience to my lifestyle. I have to go out of my way to use it most days. I opt to use my personal vehicle often because it’s JUST NOT WORTH IT

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