"Administration" has nothing to do with anything, no matter how moronic, ours is currently. The job itself is the problem. It is long past it's usefulness, and needs to go away. The providers will not miss a beat. As you can see, Lilly has chosen to pay people to try and be "friends" with the office staff; which is absolutely stupid. Better to just acknowledge that the role is DOA, and get rid of the reps. Of course, this will ultimately entail getting rid of the DMs, RSMs, and up to the VP levels; so what the VPs levels try to do in order to protect their worthless jobs, is to "change" the role to one like you see described in this article. How in the hell that institutional investors do not read this article and call for JL's resignation for diluting shareholder value shows how ignorant they are.
How f-ing embarrassing to read this crap. I am no longer in the industry, but if you read this and still think that your job is needed, then you are delusional at a level that requires professional counseling.