
This article has unadulterated BS written all over it!

It appears to be a set up, orchestrated by the doc, the rep, and the reporter.

It is a fraud, confirmed when you read the last line, where the doctor asks the rep "when will I see you again?"

It appears that the author, Jonathan Rockoff, has had experience at the New York Times.

I am a subscriber of the WSJ, and I am embarressed that they pubished this crap.

Interesting to note that the doctor's question "when will we see you again?" that was at the end of the online version of the article, was missing from the print version of the WSJ.

We used to have to report what products we detailed the doctor on. If all of Lilly sales is like this woman, then I would guess there is no requirement to detail the doctor on any product or to record what product the doctor got a message on.

Then how do they call it "sales'?

The dumbing down of Lilly continues at an ever increasing speed.

I guess, like our current government administration, it's the thought that counts, not the result.

1. If Mr Ricks was truly customer focused he would significantly downsize the NS & MSK sales forces. There are so many of us the physicians are sick of seeing us, especially with nothing new to share with them on our weekly ("seeable" docs) or even twice weekly calls.
2. The revenue increases cited in the article are driven purely by price increases as shares for all NS drugs have fallen since we implemented VBS.
Dave, please cut the BS and act like a leader!

We used to have to report what products we detailed the doctor on. If all of Lilly sales is like this woman, then I would guess there is no requirement to detail the doctor on any product or to record what product the doctor got a message on.

Then how do they call it "sales'?

The dumbing down of Lilly continues at an ever increasing speed.

I guess, like our current government administration, it's the thought that counts, not the result.

"Administration" has nothing to do with anything, no matter how moronic, ours is currently. The job itself is the problem. It is long past it's usefulness, and needs to go away. The providers will not miss a beat. As you can see, Lilly has chosen to pay people to try and be "friends" with the office staff; which is absolutely stupid. Better to just acknowledge that the role is DOA, and get rid of the reps. Of course, this will ultimately entail getting rid of the DMs, RSMs, and up to the VP levels; so what the VPs levels try to do in order to protect their worthless jobs, is to "change" the role to one like you see described in this article. How in the hell that institutional investors do not read this article and call for JL's resignation for diluting shareholder value shows how ignorant they are.

How f-ing embarrassing to read this crap. I am no longer in the industry, but if you read this and still think that your job is needed, then you are delusional at a level that requires professional counseling.

"Administration" has nothing to do with anything, no matter how moronic, ours is currently. The job itself is the problem. It is long past it's usefulness, and needs to go away. The providers will not miss a beat. As you can see, Lilly has chosen to pay people to try and be "friends" with the office staff; which is absolutely stupid. Better to just acknowledge that the role is DOA, and get rid of the reps. Of course, this will ultimately entail getting rid of the DMs, RSMs, and up to the VP levels; so what the VPs levels try to do in order to protect their worthless jobs, is to "change" the role to one like you see described in this article. How in the hell that institutional investors do not read this article and call for JL's resignation for diluting shareholder value shows how ignorant they are.

How f-ing embarrassing to read this crap. I am no longer in the industry, but if you read this and still think that your job is needed, then you are delusional at a level that requires professional counseling.

Will you just go away. The rep job is not "DOA"- Dr.'s will always have choices to make with products and a lot of the time it won't much matter if a patient get product A or B- relationships with a company (or rep) matters. If you don't or can't see this you are a complete fucking r*****. Rep jobs aren't worthless I bring in millions of extra revenue because I'm in my territory vs. if no rep at all.

You must have been fired and now have nothing better to do but troll this board. Pathetic.

Will you just go away. The rep job is not "DOA"- Dr.'s will always have choices to make with products and a lot of the time it won't much matter if a patient get product A or B- relationships with a company (or rep) matters. If you don't or can't see this you are a complete fucking r*****. Rep jobs aren't worthless I bring in millions of extra revenue because I'm in my territory vs. if no rep at all.

You must have been fired and now have nothing better to do but troll this board. Pathetic.

No, I am sorry, but the rep job is worthless. This is evidenced by the number of territories that are empty and end up in with high-market share as well as the number of female reps that end up on award trips after their territories do so great while they are out on maternity leave.

If you think that you bring in millions in revenue, then you are a delusional fool. Anyone that has half a mind knows that this is all freaking pretend. I worked for this outfit for 10 years and might have had 4 weeks total that I worked more than 15 hours, including driving/flying time. I made an ass-ton of money some years and just decent money in others. The only thing that I worked hard at doing was pretending to be doing what you are obviously trying to go out and do in real-life.

You morons that think that this is a real job are always so entertaining. Unfortunately, you are also the ones that are going to be sitting there asking, "what happened?" when the job goes poof.

Quit being such an idiot.........

No, I am sorry, but the rep job is worthless. This is evidenced by the number of territories that are empty and end up in with high-market share as well as the number of female reps that end up on award trips after their territories do so great while they are out on maternity leave.

If you think that you bring in millions in revenue, then you are a delusional fool. Anyone that has half a mind knows that this is all freaking pretend. I worked for this outfit for 10 years and might have had 4 weeks total that I worked more than 15 hours, including driving/flying time. I made an ass-ton of money some years and just decent money in others. The only thing that I worked hard at doing was pretending to be doing what you are obviously trying to go out and do in real-life.

You morons that think that this is a real job are always so entertaining. Unfortunately, you are also the ones that are going to be sitting there asking, "what happened?" when the job goes poof.

Quit being such an idiot.........

this poster may be a dick. but is right about this pharm job.

No, I am sorry, but the rep job is worthless. This is evidenced by the number of territories that are empty and end up in with high-market share as well as the number of female reps that end up on award trips after their territories do so great while they are out on maternity leave.

If you think that you bring in millions in revenue, then you are a delusional fool. Anyone that has half a mind knows that this is all freaking pretend. I worked for this outfit for 10 years and might have had 4 weeks total that I worked more than 15 hours, including driving/flying time. I made an ass-ton of money some years and just decent money in others. The only thing that I worked hard at doing was pretending to be doing what you are obviously trying to go out and do in real-life.

You morons that think that this is a real job are always so entertaining. Unfortunately, you are also the ones that are going to be sitting there asking, "what happened?" when the job goes poof.

Quit being such an idiot.........

You sound like the idiot. I've been doing this for 7 years and I've never seen a territory thrive with no one in it. And if you never worked more than 15 hours you never finished much higher then mid pack- which explains why you aren't here anymore.

You sound like the idiot. I've been doing this for 7 years and I've never seen a territory thrive with no one in it. And if you never worked more than 15 hours you never finished much higher then mid pack- which explains why you aren't here anymore.

Stop being so ridiculous. Our freaking district used to have contests to see who could go the longest without putting on a suit, for chrissakes. This job is a joke, and has been since the mid-late 90s. You can deny it to yourself all you want, but you and everyone else that works in this idiotic field will attest to the fact that it is both un-needed and just a bunch of made up bullshit.

Stop being so ridiculous. Our freaking district used to have contests to see who could go the longest without putting on a suit, for chrissakes. This job is a joke, and has been since the mid-late 90s. You can deny it to yourself all you want, but you and everyone else that works in this idiotic field will attest to the fact that it is both un-needed and just a bunch of made up bullshit.

Stop trolling- who cares if someone wears a suit. That doesn't have anything to do with the fact that good reps significantly increase revenue in a territory.

Don't you have to be at your Burger King job?

Stop trolling- who cares if someone wears a suit. That doesn't have anything to do with the fact that good reps significantly increase revenue in a territory.

Don't you have to be at your Burger King job?

Who are you trying to convince? You're not at a district mtg here, slick. No one on this board gives a shit about having to keep up the illusion that you work, or that this job has any utility. No one with a brain thinks that what we do has any affect on things, so why continue the sad attempt at shouting out otherwise? Acceptance is the first step towards a cure, you know?

1. If Mr Ricks was truly customer focused he would significantly downsize the NS & MSK sales forces. There are so many of us the physicians are sick of seeing us, especially with nothing new to share with them on our weekly ("seeable" docs) or even twice weekly calls.
2. The revenue increases cited in the article are driven purely by price increases as shares for all NS drugs have fallen since we implemented VBS.
Dave, please cut the BS and act like a leader!

We need to have fewer overlaps and that means fewer reps. That is the bottom line.