Are they finally going to shitcan some of that worthless marketing department?
We are not that lucky. They should try hiring someone with a brain not this learning as you go crapAre they finally going to shitcan some of that worthless marketing department?
your probably correct. I heard more people will be let go this week. I
Hope it is me so I can be put out of my misery.
Maybe you are the one who doesn't work at Greer. No list are out.
Maps are out, and have the total number of initial targets labeled right there for you to see. Everyone with a territory knows exactly how many targets need to be knocked down to a rational number to call on to move business. And about the only right thing you've said is the list are not out, but even that isn't entirely true as the lists actually are out, just haven't been shared with the "nation" but that doesn't mean they haven't been shared with some people. So either your not here or just haven't had your list shared with you or just are not smart enough to realize your list is right under your nose.
Even though cafepharma is essentially a board of speculation, speculating more people being let go with zero proof is ridiculous and probably means you don't even work at Greer. There's two types of people on these boards who speculate about layoff. First, those who are scared of them because they can't hide anymore. Last, those who have moved on but feel the need to stayed involved. So whether you fit into either of these categories, being put out your "Misery" has nothing to do with Greer. It has everything to do with you. You're just miserable. Keep blaming others though, that's definitely a great way to find happiness. Oh and so the maps and lists are out and how many people were let go? Exactly.
Thanks for the motivational speech mom. You're right, we do work for a great company, with great leadership and Oralair is a great product! I'm so excited now. I bet each territory will get at least 12 Rx's this year...
The bell tolls for thee Kool-Aid drinker.
What a d bag! 'Under your nose'? Get a life they are not loaded in the system if that's what you are trying to say. That is why you are awake at 2am. Great leadership CB!
Or 11pm on the West Coast?
Nope. Messages on this site are stamped based on your time zone. Another sign of your intelligence.
The full 2016 year results and another CFO leaving the company says it all. Very sad. Greer used to be a good company.does this company still exist? Or is it bankrupt yet?